This carrot soup calls for a swirl: dollop sour cream on top and then (carefully) drag a toothpick through it to create a design.
900-mL carton chicken broth
1 kg baby carrots
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp Dijon mustard, preferably grainy
2 tsp dried thyme leaves
1 cup sour cream, divided
Place broth, carrots, maple syrup, Dijon and thyme in a large pot. Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium. Cover and gently boil, stirring occasionally, until carrots are very tender, about 30 min.
Purée mixture. Return soup to pot and heat over low. If soup is thick, add up to 1 cup water or chicken broth to reach desired consistency.
When soup is hot, stir in ½ cup sour cream. Taste and season soup. Serve with remaining sour cream or plain yogurt; chopped bacon or green onions and toasted nuts or seeds for garnish; and toast soldiers, grilled cheese or crackers for dipping.
Calories 93, Protein 4g, Carbohydrates 16g, Fat 2g, Fibre 3g, Sodium 816mg.
Make this soup the night before, and then all you'll have to do is heat it up and make toast! Originally published in the Today’s Parent January 2017 issue. Photo by Erik Putz.
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