Recipe by Bonny Reichert
16 graham crackers
1 banana, sliced
1 100-g bar quality bittersweet chocolate
miniature marshmallows
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Lay graham crackers on a clean work surface.
Top 8 of the crackers with a square of chocolate, 4-6 mini-marshmallows and a slice of banana. Cover each with a second cracker, and wrap each sandwich individually in foil.
Load foil packages onto a baking tray and pop in the oven for 10 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes before opening. Be careful - they will be hot!
Want to try other delicious flavour combinations? Add a smear of peanut butter or strawberry jam, a pinch of ground cinnamon or a squirt of maple syrup to the filling in each sandwich before baking.
Makes 8 sandwiches.
In 1 sandwich: 152 calories, 2.1 g protein, 6.3 g fat, 22.8 g carbohydrates
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