The Culinary Geek/Flickr
This can only have been invented out of desperation or insanity. Whatever, it's fun and, yes, it works. Kids - don't even think of doing this without adult supervision.
1 hot dog
1 hot dog bun
1 empty 1-L cardboard carton, for milk or juice
Tuck a cold, uncooked hot dog into a bun and wrap the whole thing tightly in foil. Place, standing up, into an empty 1 L cardboard milk or juice carton. Stand the carton up in the middle of your firepit. Then, with a match, set fire to the top of the carton. (You may have to light the top in a few places until it gets going evenly.) It will burn down to the bottom - inferno-style - leaving your foil-wrapped hot dog exposed in the ashes. With oven mitts, unwrap your nicely heated hot dog in a toasted bun, apply the toppings of your choice and enjoy!
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