Dishwasher detergent

Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets

Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets

Best forParents looking for eco-friendly dishwasher tabs made with renewable ingredients and powerful cleansers

Top BenefitsBiodegradable, effective on tough and greasy messes, affordable, scented and unscented options

ConsiderationsEach tab is individually wrapped

Bottom lineEcover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets offers a powerful clean against tough and greasy messes with its plant-based formula


amazon.comUSD $9.99


  • Tablets; no measuring required
  • Made from plant-based and phosphate-free ingredients
  • Packaging is recyclable


Waiting until the last possible minute to run a full load of dishes is a time honoured tradition. Plus, it saves on water and detergent. Once you finally run a load of dishes, you need a detergent that's effective, economical and ideally environmentally friendly. Enter Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets. Available in two varieties (fragrance-free and citrus), these tabs are cruelty-free, biodegradable and phosphate-free. Our parent testers and Today’s Parent Approved editors were impressed with Ecover’s cleaning power and eco-friendly credentials.

I loved that this dishwasher detergent worked extremely well to clean my dishes! I also really like that there is zero fragrance, dyes, and chlorine added, that it’s biodegradable and phosphate-free, and that it’s made with plant-based and mineral ingredients. As a parent, this makes me feel good about my decision to use this product, knowing that it’s safe for my family, and safe for the environment.” —Ashley, mom of one

In the Today’s Parent Approved lab, both varieties of Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets were tested against a long list of crusted-on foods and food residues—baked cheese and tomato sauce, pasta, burnt soup, peanut butter, egg yolk, mashed potatoes, milk and pulpy orange juice—on dishes (plastic and ceramic), glasses, pots, baking dishes, cutlery and a box grater. The parent testers and editors noted that virtually all dried-up, hardened and greasy messes disappeared after a cycle in the dishwasher with these tablets. However, editors noted that in both instances, the tablets did not completely remove juice pulp from glasses. Also, it’s interesting to note that our testers found the fragrance-free option was more effective than the citrus tablets.

I loved that the packaging for the dishwasher tabs was recyclable. It was an added bonus to the already eco-friendly dishwasher tabs. The tabs were easy to open and use in my dishwasher.” —Wanda, mom of one

Parent testers noted that the instructions included with the dishwasher tablets were easy to understand, and the packaging was easy to secure and store safely. Our editors felt that the cardboard box the tabs come is sturdy and easy to close. In the instance of the citrus tablets, no smell escaped from the box of citrus scented tablets once it was closed.

They were also impressed that the wrapping on individual tablets was recyclable. However, one parent tester commented on the inconvenience of having to unwrap each tablet before use, and would prefer a product that didn't need to be wrapped. Another tester said she would love it if a larger box of tablets was available.

This product is definitely cheaper than I thought it would be. The 25 tabs would last us a month and under $8 is a great value for this.” —Ashley, mom of one

Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets offer an impressive balance between between its many eco-friendly benefits and effective cleaning power, all at a reasonable price point that impressed both editors and parent testers. Based our in-lab testing and feedback from our parent testers, Ecover Zero Automatic Dishwasher Tablets have earned the Today’s Parent Approved seal. Not only are these tablets effective at cleaning very dirty dishes, but their environmentally friendly formulation separates them from the competition.

Tech Specs

  • Sizes available
    25 tablets

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