Being pregnant

Pregnancy pampering: Because I’m worth it!

The finish line of your pregnancy is near, indulge in some pampering, you deserve it.

By Karen Robock
pregnancy pampering Our maternity photos, courtesy of Auburn Lane Photography.

I woke up the other morning already feeling swollen and achy — and needing to pee, again — and realized I could be reaching, or maybe already surpassing, the high point of this pregnancy. The end of my glowy stage is definitely in sight and puffy and cranky territory is right around the corner. As I contemplated this and began to log roll myself off the bed, Barry came in to ask if I was coming downstairs for breakfast. Yep, I was hungry alright (I was awake, wasn’t I?), but as I looked down at my sad, puffy feet dangling over the side I knew that I needed something special to motivate me to face the day.

I didn’t want the usual yogurt and granola consumed at the breakfast bar with my laptop and a to-do list of work in front of me. I needed bacon, eggs, toast and jam with a decaf latte — and most of all I needed it to be made by him and brought to me in bed. I told him as much and then held my breath a little. I expected a bit of backlash. Barry has been very kind to me throughout this pregnancy, but I don’t usually make these kinds of demands. Not only didn’t he argue, he barely paused. Barry just smiled, handed me the TV remote and asked if I wanted my eggs scrambled or over-easy. Seriously. It was that simple.

Now, I’m pretty sure I’m on to something here, ladies. Everyone has been telling me to rest and take care of myself but I never really realized it could be fun! Or that the hubs would want to pamper me so much. (After the breakfast in bed he literally said the magic words, “You deserve to be spoiled right now” and I almost fell on the floor.) I could still be a bit drunk on my newly-discovered baby bump power, but here’s what I’ve decided: At 35 weeks, and with only five more to go (!!), this might be my last chance to truly indulge for a while. You know, before the whole birth thing, followed by what I’ve been told will be seemingly endless sleepless nights, mountains of diapers and the challenge of breastfeeding, etc. So, I’ve decided to dub this week Spoil Myself Silly 2012. Here’s how my seven days of total mommy-to-be decadence are going to unfold:

1) Trip to the spa: I’ve booked a prenatal massage at one of the loveliest spots in Toronto, 889 Yoga and Wellness Spa. Their “Pea in the Pod” full-body rub-down is especially designed to relieve swelling, discomfort and tension due to pregnancy. I can’t wait!

2) Shopping (for me): I’ve been doing a lot of research and shopping for the baby, but haven’t bought much for myself. This week I plan to splurge on a few key items, namely a cozy cardigan for the fall. (A wise mom friend recommended I stock up on button down shirts and light cardis for easy-access breastfeeding.) And since there’s email from J Crew announcing a sale sitting in my inbox, I might even be able to do this from the comfort of my sofa.


3) Dinner out: I don’t know if anybody else has been experiencing this, but between the non-stop summer heat and my fatigue, cooking hasn’t been appealing at all. I just can’t be bothered so I’ve been doing more “assembling” (salads, sandwiches, etc) these days. We’ve been trying to avoid eating out too much but this week is the perfect time to dig into a nice meal at a favourite restaurant. (On Barry, obviously.)

4) A pedi: I’ve already checked this one off the list! I mean, I can barely reach my feet so DIY is totally out of the question these days. Plus, the foot soak and calf massage will be good for reducing swelling.

In between the main events I plan to do some sleeping in, reading of neglected books on my nightstand and movie-watching in the afternoon on a weekday (I work from home most of the time so this is possible without even having to call in sick!). What I don’t plan to do is any of the following: Dishes, laundry or cleaning of any type. It’s shaping up to be a pretty good week!

pregnancy pampering

BTW, on the topic of splurges, I also wanted to give a shout out to my friends at Auburn Lane Photography who took some beautiful maternity shots for us two weeks ago. Having some professional pics of us with the bump is such a treat and will be an amazing keepsake for the baby!

Originally posted in August 2012. 

This article was originally published on Aug 29, 2014

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