Being pregnant

How did you announce your pregnancy?

At 20 weeks pregnant, contributing editor Karen Robock has come up with some creative ways to let her friends and family know she's expecting.

By Today's Parent and Todays Parent
Photo courtesy of Karen Robock.

Photo courtesy of Karen Robock.

I have big news!

I’m pregnant! Okay, it’s big news to me at least. This is my first pregnancy and, as of today, I’m 20 weeks, which seems both amazing and a bit surreal.

I’m so excited to share the news on Today's Parent because telling my family, friends and colleagues has honestly been one of the best parts of this adventure so far. Never before have I felt such genuine joy, warmth and excitement radiating off the people around me. If only we could bottle this pregnancy joy — it’s truly amazing.

My husband and I told our parents back in February (pretty much as soon as we found out!) by giving them Valentine’s Day cards for “Grandma” and “Grandpa.” The grandparents-to-be were all so excited and so genuinely happy. I’ve never shared good news like this — it felt amazing. I mean, I thought my parents seemed happy when I graduated from university (twice!) and on the day I got married — and, don’t get me wrong, they were — but the reaction to this news was unbelievable. My father-in-law cried and hugged me. Both moms were thrilled, naturally, (and cried, naturally) and we had a funny moment with my dad: He got really confused when he opened his card and thought it was from our dog, Ella (who he calls his “grandpuppy”). It took a few moments for the message to sink in and the look on his face when he finally got it was precious.

Our friends have been really sweet and supportive, and you can only imagine the reception this announcement got in the Today’s Parent offices a few weeks ago. I couldn’t ask for a more receptive or enthusiastic group of co-workers, or a better place to work during my pregnancy.

We have more big stuff to share soon: Our second trimester ultrasound is booked for today and we’re planning to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Now we have to come up with some creative ways to share this bit of good news, too! If you have any ideas I’d love to hear them! Tweet me @ KarenRobock.

How did you announce your pregnancy or baby's gender?

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This article was originally published on May 11, 2012

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