Being pregnant

Pregnant? 10 tips to stay cool in the summer heat

Being pregnant during the summer is, well, hot. Our readers have offered their best tips for beating the heat.


I didn't have a/c at home, but I did at work, so I waited until three days before my due date to start my mat leave. At home, I made use of a couple fans and thanked God it was a cooler than average summer! – Becky Hills-Philipp, Birch Hills, SK

My husband dragged out our blow-up boat from storage, put it on our patio, filled it with cold water and propped up some cardboard for privacy. I looked forward to getting into that boat every day after work! – Sara Campbell, West End, Vancouver, BC

Tank tops, flip-flops (especially if you're swollen), cool baths, hanging out anywhere with air conditioning and a Slurpee here and there all helped. – Kristin Murdoch, Rosetown, SK

Summer of 1994. The average temperature was 37 C every single day. No a/c, but I took lots of cool showers, walks through the mall and I saw more movies in the air conditioned theatre that summer than I have my whole life. A hand-held fan was my summer fashion accessory that summer too! – Lisa Morgan Rossiter, Calgary, AB

I used to stand in the fridge! I would open the door and lean in as far as possible. My son was born on August 5 and it was Hot! – Katie Rougeau, Coquitlam, BC


I filled bowls of ice and placed them in front of my fan. I also filled baggies with water and froze them. I would rest them on my feet or back when I got overheated. I drank lots if cold water, ate spicy food and wore very light dresses. – Geneviève Brunet, Ottawa, ON

My first was born August 30, 2011, and my second is due September 26. I've never been so glad to be a teacher with summers off! This year I am totally taking advantage of my son's kiddie pool. – Lara Spiers, Pickering, ON

Headed to the beach, A LOT! One of the many benefits of living on a beautiful island during the summer. I love PEI. – Melanie MacEwen

I literally filled the tub with cold water, sat myself down with a good book and didn't come out for hours. – Tanya Gill Lalonde, Montreal, QC

My best "stay cool" story was when I got home from work one day on a very hot August day in 2002. My hubby had moved our bed to the basement from the second floor as we had no air conditioning and the basement was much cooler! – Sandra Doyle Mallett, Hamilton, ON


Read more: How did you stay cool when you were pregnant?>

This article was originally published on Jul 25, 2013

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