Being pregnant

11 beautiful rainbow baby photos

A rainbow baby is little one born following a miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. They are the calm after the storm and these beautiful rainbow baby photos are proof of the hope and joy they can bring to your life.

Pregnant women holding belly with rainbow clouds in the background

Photo: Pebbles and Polka Dots Photography

Rainbow baby photos

Group shot

You’re never in it alone, that’s why photographer Alex Bolen brought together six women who experienced pregnancy or infant loss to create this powerful image of hope.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Shutter Darling Photography


When photographer Ann Norment was contacted by Kathryn for an underwater maternity session, she was thrilled. Kathryn and her partner Zachary had lost their twins 10 weeks into the pregnancy, so she knew she had to create something special. The result is the perfect mermaid-esque rainbow baby photo.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Ann Norment

Mama’s hands

Photographer Brittany Gidley perfectly captured this mom’s happiness at her impending arrival.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photos


Mom Jessica Mahoney endured six miscarriages, but celebrated her rainbow baby with this beautiful photo captured by JoAnn Marrero.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Pebbles and Polka Dots Photography


Once Mahoney welcomed her rainbow baby, she went back for another photo session, this time with photographer Mary Maloney. The result is absolutely stunning.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Pebbles and Polka Dots Photography

Tiny feet

Mom, dad and their rainbow baby all in one photo. The tiny rainbow feet are the cutest touch.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Brittany Gidley Photography

Rainbow backdrop

Honour your rainbow baby by adding a colourful backdrop during their newborn photo session, just like Katie Mathews did when she photographed this cute baby.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Katie Mathews Photography

Rain drops keep falling on my head

Another great idea is to make raindrops to represent your rainbow. Afterall, rainbow babies are the calm after the storm.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Leanne Curtis Photography

In the clouds

Brisbane-based photographer Luisa Dunn offers free rainbow baby sessions for families who are welcoming little ones after a loss. Here, she captures a newborn as a little cloud blooming out of a rainbow.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Luisa Dunn Photography


Once your rainbow baby is old enough you can celebrate with matching PJs, just like this mom did.

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: PJ_Mamma via Instagram


After overcoming an ectopic pregnancy and the loss of a fallopian tube, Britni Lamance has become the mother of two rainbow babies. 

11 beautiful rainbow baby photosPhoto: Brit Nicole Photography

Read more:
The anxiety of pregnancy after multiple miscarriages Mom honours the the 11 babies she lost in heartbreaking photo series Struggling with infertility

This article was originally published on Jan 25, 2017

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Emily is a content and social strategist, writer, editor and producer based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in Chatelaine and on FLAREdotcom.

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