Baby showers

Raindrop-themed baby shower decor ideas

Celebrations Baby Shower Rain Shower Grey and Yellow Colour Theme2Straw Accessory

Cut a cloud shape out of white construction paper, poke a hole in the centre and slide a straw into the opening.

Cloudy display

Cut a large cloud shape out of white Bristol board. Blow up enough white and grey balloons to cover the surface. Tape the balloons to the cloud and attach your “rainstorm” to the wall or ceiling.

Raindrop Wishes

Cut raindrop shapes out of construction paper and tape them to the wall. Have your guests choose one and write a wish for the new baby. At the end of the party, collect all of the wishes in the umbrella basket (see instructions, right).

Celebrations Baby Shower Rain Shower Grey and Yellow Colour Theme7

Favour bag

Paint raindrops on paper lunch bags. Cut a cloud shape from silver glitter paper and tape it to the mouth of the bag. Let your guests fill their bags with selections from the candy buffet.

This article was originally published on Aug 05, 2014

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