Baby showers

Baby shower ideas: Raindrop theme

Organizing this “rainy day” shower is as easy as lemon meringue pie.

Celebrations Baby Shower Rain Shower Grey and Yellow Colour Theme

Congratulations! You’ve been dubbed “baby shower hostess extraordinaire” among your friends and are now responsible for throwing top-of-the-line baby showers that are cute without being precious. Let us help you out: This bright and cheerful raindrop-themed shower is a cinch to pull off.

Start with a colour scheme. (Yellow and grey are great neutral colours if the parent-to-be doesn’t know or isn’t sharing the baby’s gender.) Buy confections in corresponding colours, and house them in simple glass jars. Keep spoons close to the sweets so guests can easily transfer the sugary tidbits to their goody bags. Use a patterned tablecloth and a pretty flower arrangement to dress your display. A lemon meringue pie serves as a delectable dessert, and for a complementary beverage, serve lemonade with slices of lemon for garnish.

And, of course, it’s not a shower without at least one silly game. Hand each guest a baby bottle filled with the beverage you’re serving. The player who sucks down the bottle first wins the flower arrangement!

Get raindrop-themed decor ideas and instructions to make the baby shower umbrella basket.

Special thanks to Toronto Antiques On King for providing the glass jars.


Read more of our baby shower ideas: Raindrop-themed baby shower decor ideas 18 baby shower recipes 12 hot baby shower trends

This article was originally published on Aug 05, 2014

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