Being pregnant

Appetite loss during pregnancy

Although her girth is expanding, Tenille discovers that she's rapidly losing her appetite. Here's her battle plan to cope.

By Tenille Bonoguore
Tenille's cupboard is filled with delicious snacks — none of which she wants to eat.

Tenille's cupboard is filled with delicious snacks — none of which she wants to eat.

My stomach has gone AWOL! It happened in a sudden, tragic moment. One day, I was eating with gusto. Breakfast, lunch, snacks... it all came so deliciously easy.

The next day, nada: No hunger. No appetite. No room! Oh, how could those halcyon days end so abruptly? It would make me weep over a bowl full of coconut-milk ice cream, if the thought of that didn't leave me so nauseous.

The transition from second to third trimester comes with some substantial changes — and most of them hurt. Ribs expand. Digestion slows. And the baby (or, in my case, babies) keeps on growing, which means less room for, well, everything else that's currently jammed in there.

Yeah, all the books warned me about this. That doesn't help reality though. I'm caught in the conundrum of having to eat to keep the babies healthy, and fighting my gag reflex at just the thought of it. If you're not in your third trimester yet, then eat now! Get into it while you still can! (Oh, and enjoy still being able to tie up your shoelaces.)

If, however, you're in these rocky trenches with me, here's my battle plan on how to pull through:

  • Charge fresh into battle every morning with mandatory breakfast. If nothing else, it'll provide a warning shot to your system that more will be incoming during the day.
  • Maintain the pressure with a mid-morning nibble. A short barrage of almonds should do it.
  • Have lunch when the enemy (i.e. your stomach) least expects it. Keep it guerilla style — short, light and fleeting — and be sure there is time (and Tums afterwards) to withstand any retaliation.
  • Consider an afternoon skirmish of protein or carbs, but only proceed if the way ahead appears clear.
  • Stage one last dismal rally at the dinner table by forcing some vegetables and maybe a bit of meat into your mouth. Resist the urge to puke. Then stand, raise your hands and admit defeat.
  • Sit on the couch trying not to gag, and think about how good this is for weaning you off your dessert habit.

This is just my current gambit. If you have your own tactical plans, please share! We stomach-besieged pregnant folk need to stand together.

This article was originally published on Apr 03, 2013

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