Lullaby lyrics

Lyrics to Five Fat Sausages

Get the lyrics and music for the classic children's song Five Fat Sausages.

Lyrics to Five Fat Sausages

Once your baby is familiar with this rhyme, it's especially fun if you pause sometimes while she anticipates the BANG. She knows it's coming!

Five fat sausages frying in a pan, (Hold up five fingers) All of a sudden one went 'BANG!' (Clap hands loudly)

Four fat sausages frying in a pan, (Hold up four fingers) All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

Three fat sausages frying in a pan, (Hold up three fingers) All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

Two fat sausages frying in a pan, (Hold up two fingers) All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

One fat sausage, frying in a pan, (Hold up one finger) All of a sudden it went 'Bang!'


And there were NO sausages left! (No fingers left up)

This article was originally published on Jul 09, 2013

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