Bigger Kids

When is it safe to let a child cook on his own?

Even if you child is a whiz in the kitchen, is it safe to let them cook unsupervised?

By Barbara Beery, Children's cookbook author
Image by Nathan Clifford/iStock

Image by Nathan Clifford/iStock

Q: My nine-year-old likes to make scrambled eggs for breakfast, and often gets up before we do on the weekends. Is there anything wrong with letting him cook simple things?

A: Nine-year-olds who have been working alongside an adult in the kitchen are capable of mastering tasks unassisted – it’s such a great confidence builder. However, every child should always have an adult near by (and awake!) before taking on any cooking activities. Kids this age like to complete cooking projects with as little adult guidance as possible, but for safety’s sake, it’s best to be close by and assist only when needed.

This article was originally published on Apr 20, 2012

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