Bigger Kids

What's that bump?

Q: My 13-year-old daughter has a raised bump on her upper arm — I thought it was the beginning of a mole, but it has no colour. My husband thinks it might be a wart. Should she see the doctor?

By Diane Sacks, paediatrician
What's that bump?

Q: My 13-year-old daughter has a raised bump on her upper arm — I thought it was the beginning of a mole, but it has no colour. My husband thinks it might be a wart. Should she see the doctor?

A: Bumps, as with most growths that don’t disappear within a week or two, do need to be checked out. It does not matter if there is pain or not. It may just be a fatty growth, but it needs to have a professional to touch and evaluate whether further studies are required. It’s also important that you and your daughter check for any others just in case she is too shy at the exam.

This article was originally published on Jul 06, 2011

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