The baby days may be over but four year olds are so much fun.
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Want to know what to expect from your growing toddler? These guides share general timelines for developmental milestones and how to encourage new stages of play.
Four years old—wow. It feels like you blinked, didn’t it? It’s true what they say. The days are long, but the years are short.
With the baby and toddler days officially behind you, you’re entering a new season of parenting.
Your child is entering a new season, too. You’ll begin to see their personality shine in an entirely new way. Conversations will expand, and you’ll learn more about their thoughts, opinions, and desires.
It’s okay to mourn those baby days, but something extraordinary is on the horizon.
While age three was about learning new skills, age four is about putting them to the test. Many of the play skills your child developed over the last year will become more refined and coordinated—they’ll also get faster at doing them.
You’ll want to prepare your nerves as they begin to experiment with jumping from higher surfaces, hopping on one foot and pumping their legs on the swing.
This age is about keeping up with the “big kids,” and letting them try is okay. They've been watching other children play and are ready to do it themselves. Physical activity continues to be important and will come with new challenges.
Whether indoors or outdoors, climbing equipment is crucial for developing balance, coordination, and core strength.
Their artistic skills will continue to expand in terms of fine motor skills.
Dressing and undressing have come a long way, but things like zippers and fasteners still require practice.
Something you may struggle with during this period of parenting is your expectations. While your child is four-years-old and appears to be a “big kid,” they’re not always ready for “big kid” expectations.
Their brain is still developing important skills and is very immature.
You might also notice bossiness at this age, but your child tries to exert independence while navigating their increased cognitive abilities.
Here’s the good news. Some strategies and resources can help you navigate their budding minds (and stubborn ways).
“It’s not about the toys, the stimulation and the entertainment. The type of play children need is where expression and exploration come from within them to construct, build and create—it is not a passive activity….[this] does not typically unfold from activities with a lot of structure and rules, as this tends to confine and take the lead in terms of play. - Deborah MacNamara
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Kaili Ets is lovingly known as the Holistic Baby Guru. She has a passion for normalizing and bringing clarity around baby sleep, development, reflux, and more. Wife and mom of two, Kaili understands the importance of trusting your mama instincts. She is on a mission to help mamas tune into their intuition and feel like the confident super moms they are. Her wit and humor make her an approachable authority on all things baby-related, as she provides down-to-earth advice that makes everyone feel like they can do this parenting thing! You can find her at or on IG/FB @theholisticbabyguru