Bigger Kids

The No. 1 back-to-school stress for parents (No, it’s not packing lunches)

Forget about reading and writing—today's parents have more serious concerns on their minds as their kids head back to school.

The No. 1 back-to-school stress for parents (No, it’s not packing lunches)

Photo: iStockphoto

Back to school, back to stress? This time of year can be anxiety inducing for parents—do your kids have the right gear? Are they over-scheduled (or under-scheduled)? Will they need extra help in the classroom? And what on earth will you pack for lunch every day?

Actually, according to a new report, parents have some deeper concerns around sending their kids back to school, including bullying, Internet safety, stress, car accidents, school violence and depression.

The C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health at the University of Michigan surveyed 2,000 adults, including 1,500 parents of kids up to age 18, to identify the top health problems for kids in the US. Even amidst rising obesity rates in kids, the poll demonstrated that today's parents often have much more complex worries than what goes in their child's bento box.

The majority of parents were more concerned about factors like cyberbullying, which could impact kids' mental health. Among Black parents, racial inequality rated as the number one concern. And with the current political climate, it's not hard to see why.

Here's the list of parents' biggest concerns overall:

Parents' biggest back to school worries

Want some support for these heavy issues? Read more: What to do about school-bus bullying Why anti-Black racism persists in Canadian schools Children's mental health: What you need to know

This article was originally published on Aug 22, 2017

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