Bigger Kids

Practice makes conflict

Tips on how to help your child understand the importance of practicing

By Kathy Lynn
Practice makes conflict

Q: My eight-year-old has been in piano lessons for two years. She enjoys it, but getting her to practise is a constant struggle. Any suggestions?

A: If your daughter chooses to continue lessons, she needs to practise. Ask for her ideas on how to make this easier: Would she prefer to practise at a different time? Are there any ways to help her remember when to practise? Maybe a timer or a reminder on her mirror will help. If she has input into the plan, she is more likely to follow through. Maybe your daughter needs a break from lessons. Tell her she doesn’t have to take the lessons and if she wants to stop for a while, that’s just fine.

Constant arguing over her practice time is not helpful for you or her. So give her the choice and let her decide what she wants to do.

This article was originally published on Oct 11, 2010

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