
14 reading comprehension workbooks for kids

Help your little reader enhance her comprehension skills with these useful workbooks.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kids

Reading comprehension workbooks for kids

Reading, Writing, and Math

NELSON and Disney Learning, $15,

With sections on comprehension and word knowledge, this workbook filled with beloved Disney characters will help your little learner build the skills they need to become a great reader. These workbooks come in levels from Pre-K to Grade 2 and also feature sections on writing and math.

Cover for Nelson's Disney Learning workbook featuring Simba from the Lion KingPhoto: Nelson

02Minutes a Day: Phonics

DK Publishing (AGES 4-6), $11,

All it takes is 10 minutes a day for your kid to better her reading skills. Compiled by a team of language-arts specialists, this workbook will help your kid build words and identify sounds alongside colourful graphics. The back of the book provides answers for parents to reference. The 10-minute series comes in various versions for different grades/age groups. 

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: DK

Reading Comprehension: Grade 3

Flash Kids (AGES 8-9), $5,


Have your kids read through short passages and answer questions about the story they’ve just read. What better way to challenge their reading comprehension? This series is available for grades 2 to 6.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Indigo

Family Word Stories: Reading Comprehension

Teacher Created Resources (AGES 4-6), $15,

Introduce your kids to reading with very short stories—perfect for beginners. Words in the same family are used within a singular story underlined to give your reader clues. After each story, there are a few multiple-choice questions and a short-answer section that reinforces what they’ve read.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Scholar's Choice

Ready Set Learn: Reading Comprehension

Teacher Created Resources (AGES 5-6), $6,

With more than 180 stickers inside, this workbook takes the work out of homework. After your kids complete the activities, reward them with the included ribbon sticker.


14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Scholar's Choice

Homeworkbooks Gold Star Edition Reading Comprehension

Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company Inc. (AGES 7-8),

This workbook contains 64 pages of activities, puzzles, and games that are aimed at improving your child’s reading comprehension. Kids will learn beginning and ending consonants, blends and digraphs (a combination of two letters representing one sound), long and short vowel sounds and word families. The best part is the 140 stickers included to help you track your little one’s progress. This book is available for kids in pre-KG up to Grade 3.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Scholar's Choice

Itsy Bitsy Stories for Reading Comprehension

Teacher Created Resources (AGES 7-8), $16,

These short stories will keep your kid entertained while reinforcing skills in vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Scholar's Choice

Summer Review and Prep: Math and Reading

Kumon Publishing North America Inc. (AGES 5-7), $13,


This workbook covers consonant combinations, long vowels, vocabulary and reading comprehension. Bonus: it comes with a recommended reading list, poster, stickers, a calendar and a certificate of achievement. Kumon’s Summer Review and Prep series comes in workbooks ranging from kindergarten to Grade 5. 

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Kumon

Reading Fundamentals: Nonfiction Activities To Build Reading Comprehension Skills

Flash Kids (AGES 8-9), $10,

Your older kid will love reading nonfiction passages on various topics such as science, history and geography. Each passage is followed by different types of questions: fill-in-the-blank, short answer, true/false, multiple choice and matching.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Indigo

Scholastic Early Learners: Wipe-Clean Workbooks — Grade 1

Scholastic (AGES 5-7), $12,

Get your little ones a workbook they can use indefinitely (or pass along to a sibling). This wire-bound workbook comes with a marker and glossy pages that make it easy to wipe clean after they’ve completed the page or made a mistake. They’ll be able to practice tracing, copying words, letter sounds and sounding letters together.


14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Indigo

Made Easy: Grade 3

DK Publishing (AGES 8-9), $17,

If you want a book that includes reading comprehension but also has a bit of everything else, opt for the Made Easy series. Exercises in this book include reading passages and spotting spelling mistakes, answering short questions based on what your kid has read, and fun activities such as filling out character profiles based on a short story. 

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: DK

Summer Study Daily Activity Workbook

Flash Kids (AGE 8), $7,

Designed specifically for summer studying, this book has 90 pages, which means your kid can do one page per day during her school break. This series comes in different versions, ranging from kindergarten to Grade 5. 

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Indigo

Write Your Own Book

DK Publishing (AGE 8-12), $17,


While this workbook is not specifically about boosting reading comprehension, older kids will have fun applying the skills they’ve learned to their own tales. The book prompts kids to think creatively and engage in exercises that will benefit them in other areas of language arts.  

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: DK

The Complete Book of Sight Words: 220 Words Your Child Needs to Know to Become a Successful Reader

Flash Kids (AGES 5-8), $24, 

English can be a tricky language: sometimes words aren’t spelled the way they sound and sometimes the way to spell a word doesn’t seem to make any sense. This book teaches 220 of these words through fun games and puzzles. Tests at the end of each unit reinforce what kids have learned.

14 reading comprehension workbooks for kidsPhoto: Indigo

Read more: 9 best educational websites for kids (that are actually fun, too!) 5 fun summer math games Do you give your kids homework in the summer?

This article was originally published on Jul 30, 2016

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Emily is a content and social strategist, writer, editor and producer based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in Chatelaine and on FLAREdotcom.

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