Little Kids

How to help your kids remember their manners

Q: My four-year-old son usually remembers to say "please" but forgets to say "thank you" afterward. I keep saying, "I didn't here a thank you," but it's not working. What should I do?

By Alyson Schafer, parenting expert
Chuck Collier Photography/iStockphoto

Chuck Collier Photography/iStockphoto

Q: My four-year-old son usually remembers to say "please" but forgets to say "thank you" afterward. I keep saying, "I didn't here a thank you," but it's not working. What should I do?

A: Your son has figured out that he needs to say "please" to get your help, but withholds the "thank you" as a way of exercising his power over you...and he knows it. Back off for a bit and stop reminding him to say thank you. Instead, notice when he voluntarily minds his Ps & Qs and tell him how great it feels to be treated thoughtfully. If you're patient, he will start to say thank you more often.

-Alyson Schafer, Parenting expert

This article was originally published on Mar 30, 2012

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