Little Kids

How to keep hockey equipment fresh

Keep kids' hockey equipment stink-free with these four easy steps.

By Today's Parent


Avoid that dreaded locker room smell...

1) Have kids dress in moisture-wicking clothing rather than cotton, which absorbs sweat.

2) Air out equipment immediately when you get  home (drying racks are handy). You can also use antibacterial spray.

3) About once a month, wash all gear (except skates and helmet) in a gentle, warm-water cycle, preferably in a front-loading washing machine (top-loaders have less space and may damage gear). Attach Velcro strips together before washing. Don’t use bleach, as it can cause the padding of equipment to deteriorate.


4) Air dry.

—Dave Sherwood, Play It Again Sports

A version of this article appeared in our October 2014 issue with the headline, “Quick fixes: How to keep hockey equipment fresh,” p. 50.

This article was originally published on Sep 09, 2014

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