Trying to conceive

Conception Decoded: Revealing the Untold Facts

You might think you get the gist of how to make a baby. However, there are actually loads of conception myths floating out that aren’t exactly helpful.

To help us sort out fact from fiction, we’ve called in the experts to give us the lowdown on this topic. Ahead, we uncover all the fascinating facts about conception that you may or may not have heard before.

Conception Decoded: Revealing the Untold Facts

Photo: iStockphoto

It’s still possible to conceive after 35 

“My mum had me at 39, so I have plenty of time.”

“The most dangerous myth is that women think they have until 40,” says Paul Claman, an OB/GYN in Ottawa. “In fact, your fertility starts to fall precipitously at 27 or 28, and by 35 it’s iffy.” According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, by age 40, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant are less than five percent per cycle. There are many factors—including alcohol, caffeine and nicotine consumption, as well as conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome—that affect your fertility, so don’t make any decisions on your life map based on when your sisters conceived. If you want to see how your fertility is faring, talk to your doctor.

older woman with pregnancy test Andrii Zastrozhnov / Getty Images

Your periods reveal your chances of getting pregnant

“My period is pretty regular. I’ll be fine!”

A regular cycle is 28 days long (give or take a day or two on either side). If it’s wildly different each month, it might mean that you’ll have a tricky time trying to conceive. The state of your periods can indicate what’s going on, too. “If they’re very light, you might be lacking in estrogen,” says Pamela Frank, a naturopathic doctor based in Toronto. “If they’re very heavy, there might not be enough progesterone to balance out the estrogen.” And very painful periods might be a sign of endometriosis, which can make conception more difficult. If your periods aren’t running like clockwork, talk to your doctor before trying to conceive to help track your cycle.

Women using it during menstruation to avoid damage to clothing. It is necessary to absorb a flow of blood from the vagina. Boy_Anupong / Getty Images

A vitamin D deficiency can affect your fertility

“What Canadian isn’t deficient in vitamin D?” asks Claman. “The majority of us are deficient.” While Health Canada recommends that adults get 600 international units (IUs) each day, you can talk to your healthcare provider about how much you (and your partner) should be taking. (There are simple blood tests to see what your current levels are like.)

Doctor Taking Blood Samples From A Female Patient urbazon / Getty Images

Orgasms do not boost your probability of becoming pregnant 

Sure, an orgasm feels great, but it doesn’t appear to affect your chances of conception. The theory that an orgasm helps pull the sperm up into the contracting uterus has been disproven by studies that show that there’s no correlation between orgasm and conception. The truth is, sperm can live in the reproductive tract for days, orgasm or not.

Woman stretching in bed after wake up. Boris Jovanovic / Getty Images

Having sex every day doesn’t increase the likelihood of conception 

Treating it like a military mission can lead to undue stress for both parties, says Claman—and no one needs more of that. Ovulation occurs roughly 14 days before the start of your next period. To make the most of this fertile window, Claman suggests that couples have sex every two or three days starting 18 days before their next period.

Man and woman hands having sex on bed Prostock-Studio / Getty Images

Sex isn’t limited to ovulation on day 14 

Being early is always good—especially when you're trying to get pregnant. Start having sex a few days before ovulation (Day 11). Sperm are pretty patient and determined, and the winning dude will hang out in your cervix for 72 hours to be ready for the descending egg. If you wait until your basal temperature is elevated, you will have already ovulated and may have missed the window—an egg only survives for 12 to 24 hours after being released. Find out when you’re ovulating using this calculator.

man touching womans arm in bed Delmaine Donson / Getty Images

Ovulation test kits may not provide a straightforward indication for conception attempts

Yes, they can help you track your cycle by testing your body’s production of luteinizing hormone, which precedes ovulation, but there’s a caveat: “They can tell when you’re supposed to be ovulating but not if ovulation is actually taking place,” says Frank.

ovulation test FG Trade / Getty Images

Your baby's sex isn't determined by when you conceive

“Well, it’s half right,” says Al Yuzpe, an OB/GYN and co-founder of Olive Fertility Centre in Vancouver. “You’ve always got a 50/50 shot, but there is no natural way to determine the sex of your baby.” Nature built in tamperproof odds, he points out, to ensure that we have a population that’s a pretty even split. 

Pregnant couple waking up together Kathrin Ziegler / Getty Images

A balanced diet can increase your chances of getting pregnant 

High-fat dairy has been touted as a miracle baby maker ever since researchers found a link between a low-fat dairy diet and an increased risk of infertility due to lack of ovulation in 2007. But the reality is, we just need to eat well. “Carbs and sugars can be detrimental to conception because they require higher levels of insulin, which can disrupt hormone balance,” says Frank. “Stick to healthy, whole foods, such as organic fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, legumes, nuts and seeds. Avoid pesticides, herbicides and chemicals like BPA, which are hormone disrupters.”

Young woman eating bread with cream cheese Sigrid Gombert / Getty Images

Your partner needs to get ready for baby-making, too

Besides making sure that he’s chock full of vitamin D, your partner should be taking folic acid to help prevent neural tube defects. “Both of you should be taking one milligram of active folic acid a day,” says Frank. “Look for a supplement that says 5-MTHF [5-methyltetrahydrofolate] on the label to ensure that you’re getting the active kind.”

Man medicating himself at home medicine andreswd / Getty Images

A thyroid evaluation could potentially minimize the risk of miscarriage

“An underactive thyroid might prevent you from getting pregnant and also increases your risk of miscarriage if you do,” says Frank. “Your thyroid is the master director of your metabolism, so if it’s sluggish, nothing will be working at the proper rate.” She also cautions that the numbers your GP might be happy with (normal TSH levels between four and five) may still be too high. “I would want to get that number down below two,” she says. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism, often caused by a condition called Graves’ disease) can cause trouble, too, so make sure to get a full workup.

Female doctor doing a medical examination mixetto / Getty Images

Stress makes it harder to conceive 

Frank points out that when we are chronically stressed, our reproductive organs take a back seat. “They just aren’t a priority,” says Frank. Fertility doctors agree that stress is the last ingredient your body needs to make a baby, but note that plenty of pregnancies happen during times of strife. “Look at countries where there is war and famine,” says Yuzpe. “Women still get pregnant.” While stress may play a role, it’s impossible to quantify since what is stressful for one person isn’t stressful for another, explains Yuzpe. Basically, try to reduce stress whatever way you can because it’s better for your body overall (but also don’t stress about the stress).

woman rubbing her eyes from stress filadendron / Getty Images

Staying in bed for 30 minutes after sex with your legs up against the wall is not necessary

“It makes absolutely no difference,” says Yuzpe. Yes, if you stand up immediately afterward, you can feel a trickle, but that’s OK. “Sperm immediately head north,” says Yuzpe, “while seminal fluid heads south.”

Woman legs raised up on the wall, Young woman at home laying in bed. The white bedroom. Lina Moiseienko / Getty Images

Cough medicines have no impact on fertility rates or the ability to conceive 

A few years ago, trying-to-conceive forums blew up with the news that guaifenesin, an ingredient found in certain cough syrups, helped to make cervical mucus thinner and less hostile. “It does nothing to increase your chances of conception,” says Yuzpe. “In fact, Clomid, the medication often used to treat infertility, actually thickens the mucus.”

Portrait of young woman taking medicine on spoon at home. Beautiful young woman drinking some cough syrup from a spoon at home. Young female drinking medicine syrup. Jelena Stanojkovic / Getty Images

Acupuncture therapy may enhance fertility 

Things like acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine can help reduce stress immensely and be very beneficial. “Many of our patients seek out this type of treatment, and it can be helpful to many because they feel better and less stressed,” says Yuzpe. “No one should say, ‘This will get you pregnant.’ Instead, say, ‘This will get your body in the best shape to get pregnant.’ It’s like nourishing the soil before you plant something.”

Read more: Best sex positions for getting pregnant 11 things to do before having a baby
What your cervical mucus is telling you about your fertility

See more on Getting Pregnant

This article was originally published on May 01, 2018

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