Want to chat on our message boards but don't know the lingo? We've got you covered! From AH to ZIFT, we put together a glossary of all the message board acronyms you need to know while you're trying to get pregnant.
When you’re trying to conceive, community support and online conversations with others who've been there, or are in the same boat as you, can go a long way toward helping you prepare, both mentally and physically. However, trying to get in on the conversation can be a little overwhelming at first. Here are a few FUA’s (frequently used acronyms) to help you navigate your way through all those message board discussions.
Acronym | Translation |
2ww | Two-week wait; the time between ovulation and a potential positive pregnancy test |
AF | Aunt Flo; menstruation |
AFNW | Aunt Flo not wanted |
AH | Assisted hatching |
AI | Artificial insemination |
ART | Assisted reproductive technology |
ASA | Anti-sperm antibody |
Baby dust | Good luck getting pregnant; well wishes |
BB’s | Breasts |
BBT | Basal body temperature |
BC | Birth control |
BCP | Birth control pills |
BD | Baby dance; making love |
BFP | Bloody f --- positive! |
BFN | Bloody f --- negative! |
BMS | Baby-making sex |
BTDT | Been there, done that |
BW | Blood work |
CASA | Computer-assisted semen analysis |
CB | Cycle buddy; sharing a menstrual cycle |
CCCT | Clomiphene citrate challenge test |
CD | Cycle day |
CF | Cervical fluid |
CL | Corpus luteum |
CM | Cervical mucus |
CNM | Certified nurse midwife |
CP | Cervical position |
CY | Cycle |
D&C | Dilation and curettage |
D&E | Dilation and evaluation |
DES | Diethylstilbestrol; a synthetic estrogen |
DI | Donor insemination |
DP | Dear partner |
DPO | Days post-ovulation |
Dx | Diagnosis |
EB or EBM | Endometrial biopsy |
EDD | Estimated due date |
EPT | Early pregnancy test |
ET | Embryo transfer |
ETA | Embryo toxicity assay |
EW | Egg white consistency |
EWCM | Egg white cervical mucus |
FET | Frozen embryo transfer |
FM | Fertility monitor |
FMU | First morning urine |
FP | Follicular phase |
FSH | Follicle stimulating hormone |
GCT | Glucose challenge test |
GP | General practitioner |
HPT | Home pregnancy test |
Acronym | Translation |
HRT | Hormone replacement therapy |
ICI | Intra-cervical insemination |
IF | Infertility |
LMP | Last menstrual period |
MC | Miscarriage |
MF | Male factor |
MFM | Maternal fetal medication |
MS | Morning sickness |
NEST | Non-surgical embryonic selective thinning |
NO | No ovulation |
NP | Nurse practitioner |
NSA | Non-surgical sperm aspiration |
NST | Non-stress test |
O | Ovulation |
OB/GYN | Obstetrician/gynecologist |
OC | Oral contraceptives |
OCT | Oxytocin challenge test |
OHSS | Ovulation hyper stimulation syndrome |
OPK | Ovulation predictor kit |
OTC | Over-the-counter |
PA | Physicians assistant |
PC | Post-coital |
PCOD | Polycystic ovary disease |
PCOS | Polycystic ovary syndrome |
PCP | Primary care physician |
PCT | Post-coital test |
PG | Pregnant |
PI | Primary infertility |
PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease |
PMS | Pre-menstrual syndrome |
POAS | Pee on a stick |
POF | Premature ovarian failure |
RE | Reproductive endocrinologist; infertility specialist |
RI | Reproductive immunologist |
RPL | Recurrent pregnancy loss |
Rx | Prescription |
S/A | Sperm/semen analysis |
SATD | Stay-at-home dad |
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom |
SI | Secondary infertility |
STD | Sexually transmitted disease |
TESE | Testicular sperm extraction |
TET | Tubal embryo transfer |
TR | Tubal reversal |
TRH | Thyroid releasing hormone |
TSH | Thyroid stimulating hormone |
TTC | Trying to conceive |
TUFT | Trans-uterine fallopian transfer |
Tx | Treatment |
US | Ultrasound |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
V | Vasectomy |
VR | Vasectomy reversal |
WBC | White blood cells |
YI | Yeast infection |
ZIFT | Zygote intra-fallopian transfer |
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