Talia is honoured for her helpfulness at her youth group's Oscar Night bash
At this week's Friday Friends (a social group for youths with special needs) the theme was Oscar Night. All were invited to wear their glam movie star outfits. So, Tal hit the town in her pink, glittery sequined top and fake pearl and diamond bracelets. (Scored them for 50% off at JoeFresh!)
To set the party scene, there were gold and silver door decorations, a red carpet and even some "paparazzi." (Can't wait to see the photos.) Each participant got a chance to walk down the red carpet and to receive an award.
Here’s what Tal's award certicate said:
"Achievement Award: This award is presented to Talia for outstanding achievement in: being super helpful."
How fabulous that on my daughter's Oscar night, gifts like helpfulness and kindness are celebrated. Let’s have a little post-Oscar night fun. What award do your kids deserve? Just fill in the blank with a word or two.
My child deserves an award for outstanding achievement in:
Photo by cliff1066á,,¢ via Flickr
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