Family life

Week six's tax to-do: Get your kids' rental receipts and tuition slips

Get on top of tax season with our sixth weekly task and tip

By Erin Pooley
Week six's tax to-do: Get your kids' rental receipts and tuition slips

Join us each week for a to-do and helpful tips so you'll be ready for tax season and save money this year!

This week's task and tip:

Track down rental receipts and tuition slips: Got kids at university? If your son or daughter has been renting an apartment, ask them to request a rental receipt from their landlord this week. Just make sure it’s on a calendar — not school-year — basis. They should also download a copy of their annual tuition slip from the university’s web site. Don’t forget to have them sign the back of the form.

Previously: Sort out your family's medical expenses >

Get organized! See all of our tax tips to-date >

This article was originally published on Jan 19, 2012

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