Today's Parent Approved

Tested: Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars

Amanda Gobatto of the blog Multi-testing Mommy tests out Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars.

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One of my kids' favourite go-to snacks are granola bars. They have always been huge fans of Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars. As a parent, they've always been one of my own personal go-to snack products that I purchase at the grocery store. My children consider our snack cupboard to be "empty" if there isn't a selection of Quaker's Chewy Granola Bar options for them to choose from.

I especially appreciate that most of Quaker's granola bars are peanut-free, which makes them a trust-worthy treat for my children's school lunches. Each bar is made with 10 grams of whole grains and 0 grams of trans fat, which makes them a part of a very wholesome and delicious snack.

My son, in particular, loves Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars! He calls them "bars" and asks me on a daily basis if he can have one after school as part of his snack (he tends to come home from school hungry enough to consume an entire meal).

My daughter just turned nine and I find that she is becoming more and more responsible and independent. One of the areas that she is capable of demonstrating her independance is in packing her lunches and preparing her own snacks. Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars are often a popular option for her as well. It truly warms my heart when I see her enjoying a snack that she has chosen on her own.

For the record, this Mom doesn't consider Quaker's Chewy Granola Bars to be just a snack for children. I've been known to stockpile granola bars in my purse for snacking "emergencies." Their wrappers have definitely been put to the test in my full everything but the kitchen sink purse. In fact, if you're brave enough to go through my purse right now, you just might find enough granola bars to fill an entire box! At least we know where the granola bar back-ups are in case we run out in the snack cupboard.

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Amanda Gobatto is a former kindergarten teacher turned “WAHM.” She enjoys blogging at Multi-testing Mommy, social media management, baking, crafting and time with her five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. Follow her on Twitter@MultiTestingMom, and like her page on Facebook.

This article was originally published on May 20, 2014

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Amanda Gobatto of, is aformer kindergarten teacher turned “WAHM.” Amanda enjoys blogging at Multi-testing Mommy, social media management, baking, crafting and time with her five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. Follow her on Twitter @MultiTestingMom.

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