Today's Parent Approved

Tested: Mederma Scar Gel

Angela van Tijn of tests out Mederma Scar Gel.

By Today's Parent

When I was 17, I had surgery that left a pretty bad scar on my left elbow. I didn’t think it was possible to treat an old scar so many years later, but I started using Mederma Scar Gel about four months ago and I'm already seeing the results. The scar looks smoother and the skin colour is improving. Mederma states that it's clinically proven to reduce the appearance of old and new scars.

The gel is non-greasy and absorbs nicely into the skin— and doesn't leave stains on your clothing. The gel has a mild, fresh scent and it's safe for people with sensitive skin, like myself.

I love the fact that the Mederma Scar Gel doesn’t stain my clothes and I don’t have to worry about oily stains all over the place.

I'm also happy that I have been able to see results right away. Nothing beats the fact that my skin looks better and the scar is smoother and softer.

However, I do wish the tube came in a larger size. You can definitively go through the entire tube pretty fast if you are treating a larger area. I am on my fifth tube now! Each tube is sold for more than $20, so it can get expensive if you continue treatment over a span of many months. Having said that, I feel that it's worth it to continue treatment. If you have a scar, whether old or new, and you are considering using this product, I recommend that you do. Just make sure you apply frequently if you want to see fast results.

van-tijn-200x200Angela van Tijn of, mom of two, British Columbia.

 Blogging, Angela is constantly researching and reviewing the best products and solutions for new families. Find her on Twitter @onesmileymonkey, Instagram (@onesmileymonkey) and Facebook.

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