Today's Parent Approved

Playtex Nurser with Drop-Ins Liners

Photo: Emma Finlayson Photo: Emma Finlayson

When my first baby arrived, I was bound and determined to exclusively breastfeed. And for a while, this plan worked out perfectly.

But I was a mom about town and when we were out in public, I couldn’t get my son to focus on eating. This made for a very grumpy baby and a very frustrated (and leaky!) mom.

I decided when my baby was three months old to introduce a bottle—which was way too late, as it turned out. I spent tons of money on bottles—expensive bottles, fancy bottles, crazy boob-shaped bottles. Basically anything I could find that might get him to take a bottle.

My mum witnessed my struggle and told me that the only bottle I would take as a baby back in the 1980s was the Playtex Original Nurser. I ran to the drug store, and voilà! This traditional, reasonably priced bottle saved the day. It was the only bottle my son ever used.

My next two babies—twins—arrived prematurely in March, and it soon became clear that breastfeeding exclusively was not going to happen. Side note: Kudos to those moms who breastfeed twins, you are truly super women.


I supplement with pumped breast milk and organic formula, but like his big brother, my male twin is extremely picky about his bottles. His latch improved when I introduced the Playtex Nurser with Drop-Ins Liners, as the Natural Latch nipple is wide like my own.

He’s also gassy, so the collapsing drop-in liner really helps to reduce his air intake—making for a happy baby and mom.

The bottle is easy to hold (important when tandem bottle-feeding) and very easy to clean.

My only issue with the design is that the Twist and Click top occasionally leaks, which has occasionally led to a soggy diaper bag. I also feel somewhat guilty about the extra waste that’s created by the drop-in liners.

However, four years and three babies later, these bottles remain a tried-and-true favourite in my house. I would recommend them without hesitation (and have already!) to any mom working on getting a stubborn baby to take a bottle.


Emma is a busy mom to three amazing kids and is the stylish mama behind Strolling in the City. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter for great fashion and beauty tricks for moms on the go. Plus, awesome tricks all parents need. 

Multi-Testing Mommy is a place for Canadian families to stay up to date on everything related to kids and the family.  Amanda, the founder, lives in the GTA  with her two children and husband. She features many of her favourite baking recipes and loves to help Moms and Dads navigate through the challenging and rewarding job of parenting by sharing many tips, tricks, fun family ideas and loads of information. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook for daily tips. 

bottle liner

It’s 3 a.m. and your hungry baby is in no mood to wait for you to sterilize a bottle. That’s when you reach for the Playtex Nurser.  It comes with pre-sterilized disposable Drop-Ins Liners that collapse to keep air out as baby drinks, keeping gas, colic and spit ups to a minimum. Just drop the liner into the bottle, fill it up and feed. The BPA-free bottle comes with a slow-flow nipple designed to replicate the natural flow of the breast, so your baby takes in just the right amount of milk. (Also great for travel, since many hotels haven’t figured out they need to have a bottle sterilizer in every room, obvi!)

Parents say: “Amazing product for a new mom.”

Where to buy: $6,>

This article was originally published on Feb 09, 2015

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Amanda Gobatto of, is aformer kindergarten teacher turned “WAHM.” Amanda enjoys blogging at Multi-testing Mommy, social media management, baking, crafting and time with her five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. Follow her on Twitter @MultiTestingMom.

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