
9 things to do with your kid's artwork

Your fridge is probably covered with your little's one masterpieces. But the artwork keeps coming! So turn your kid's drawings into jewellery, puzzles and more.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork


Are you truly a fan of your kid’s work? Why not turn it into a piece of beautiful jewellery. This way you can show off your tot's creations.

You can send your design here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of


If your kid has a favourite creature they love to draw, consider transforming that drawing into a stuffed animal.

You can send your design here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of


Turn that picture into a puzzle by gluing it onto old puzzle pieces. Add some magnets to the back and your kid now has a cool project that he can play with on the fridge.


More ideas here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of via Pinterest


Your kid probably draws A LOT of the same thing, so why not turn all those dinsosaurs and cats into a fun story. Add captions to each piece of art so you know what it is.

More instructions here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of via Pinterest

Lazy Susan of artwork

Not sure what to do with all those drawings that your kid won't let you throw out? Grab a binder and a paper towel holder and make a fun scrapbook of all your kid's precious artwork.

More instructions here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of Denise Pauley via Pinterest

To-go cup

This nifty tumbler lets you slip in a decorative liner of your own choosing. You can swap out pieces of art every month—because you know your kid is going to have any number of new creations that he wants you to show off.

You can get this tumbler here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of


Take your kid’s favourite pieces and make them into a quilt she can be tucked in to.

More instructions here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of via Pinterest

Store it online

Use an app like Artkive and store all those pictures in one easy-access database. This lets you be super organized without needing to store a dozen boxes in the garage.


More information here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of

Use a digital frame

Snap pictures of all your kid’s creations and display them in a digital frame. All the pictures get cycled through and it saves you a ton of space.

More information here.

9 things to do with your kid's artwork Photo: Courtesy of via Pinterest

Read more: 11 shoebox crafts for kids 13 fun and easy rainy day crafts 8 crafts to make with toilet paper rolls

This article was originally published on Sep 16, 2016

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