Style and Beauty

3 beauty products that fake a good night's sleep

Fake it 'til you make it, right? Pretend you aren't a milk zombie who slept zero hours with these expert makeup tips.

3 beauty products that fake a good night's sleep

Photo: Geneviève Caron

1. Latme Ice Roller

A blue, white, and green ice face roller. Photo: Latme

After a splash of water, Toronto-based makeup artist Sheri Stroh always starts her morning with a quick pass of an ice roller. Like a lint roller for a swollen complexion, this inexpensive tool can bring down puffiness, but more importantly, “It wakes you up and the process feels amazing,” says Stroh, who usually applies the roller for five to 10 minutes while scrolling her phone or watching the news. You could even use it one-handed while nursing or pumping. $18,

2. Saie Glowy Super Gel Lightweight Dewy Highlighter

An image of a rectangular bottle of Saie highlighter, with a black cap and saie written in black letters vertically. Photo: Saie

One item Stroh always keeps in her bag is a cream highlighter. “It doesn’t matter how tired you are, this will instantly make you look like you’ve had a facial,” she says. Dab it on your cheekbones, down the nose (skip the tip), on your eyelids and over your dark circles (to bounce light and minimize the shadows). The highlighter can be applied to bare skin, under foundation and tinted moisturizer, or over makeup. It blends easily, never looks like a cheesy Instagram filter and adds a few hours of sleep to your complexion. $33,

3. Hynt Beauty Duet Perfecting Concealer

A beige circular container containing concealer. Photo: Hynt

Once you’ve applied your tinted sunscreen foundation, if you still need a dab of concealer, apply a small dot under the eye in the inner corner, and blend it outward in the crescent area—but stop before you hit the fine lines. $32,

This article was originally published on Feb 04, 2022

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