
Welcome to the new Today's Parent site

We are so excited to finally share the new with you! Our team has been hard at work on the redesign for the last 10 months. We were bursting with so many ideas and thoughts — it often felt as if we were pregnant with a website! Thanks to a fabulous team and tons of support, it was a true labour of love. We worked hard, but we also had a lot of fun. We got the most out of our long days and built great friendships along the way. 

By Elana Schachter
Welcome to the new Today's Parent site

We are so excited to finally share the new with you! Our team has been hard at work on the redesign for the last 10 months. We were bursting with so many ideas and thoughts — it often felt as if we were pregnant with a website! Thanks to a fabulous team and tons of support, it was a true labour of love. We worked hard, but we also had a lot of fun. We got the most out of our long days and built great friendships along the way. 
We’ve designed the new site with parents in mind: Big fonts for tired, sleep-deprived eyes; straightforward design for time-pressed moms and dads. Our new message boards are state of the art, which makes it even easier to join in the conversation and connect with other parents.
If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up to our newsletters – a handy resource full of parenting tips, news, ideas and of course awesome contests!
Here are some more things you can expect on our new site:
Age & Stage: Our new toolbar (above) lets you find content geared towards your specific parenting age and stage.
Fresh content: From new blogs, to slick new galleries, our new site will be updated daily — which will keep you informed and up to date on the latest parenting news.
Search: Our new search tool is more powerful than ever. Find what you need in a flash.
Comprehensive topic pages: You can learn everything you need about pregnancy, breastfeeding and potty training in one spot.

In the coming weeks we'll be adding more exciting interactive tools, like:

Baby namer: Search over 60,000 names and meanings, save and share your list of favourites, and see what each name looks like with your surname.

Recipes: Search thousands of family-friendly recipes, save your favourites, and view our meal plans.
Take a look around and let us know what you think, we would love to hear your feedback.

This article was originally published on Oct 24, 2011

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