
10 ways to tame dinnertime drama

Meals turning into drawn-out battles? Here’s how to restore some peace to the kitchen table.

10 ways to tame dinnertime drama

Photo: iStockPhoto

1. Post a meal plan Kids often push back against meals because they weren’t expecting them. Get kids involved in creating a meal plan, then post it on the fridge, so they can see what’ll be on their plate each night.

2. Go no-tech Turn off the TV and banish all devices from the table. Turn on some music and, trust us on this one, light some candles. Instant atmosphere!

3. Put a friend on the plate Serve up a favourite dish alongside a new recipe. That way dinner won’t look so daunting, and you know there’s something they’re willing to eat.

4. Don’t talk about food Commenting that they haven’t yet touched their cauliflower only ratchets up the battle of wills. Share a story from your day, or ask your kid for the silliest thing someone said in class—anything but, “Just one more bite.”

5. Repeat faves You might think that making chili once a week equals a rut, but if your kids tuck into it, it’s a win.


6. Make rituals Taco Tuesdays, pizza Fridays and dessert-first Sundays are just a few traditions you can start. They’re fun, they reduce the mental space taken up by thinking about dinner, and you might be able to squeeze a new veggie into that tortilla.

7. Embrace self-serve Letting kids help themselves gives them a sense of control. A kid might not touch the salad for six months, but if you keep offering it, curiosity will eventually win out.

8. Manners matter, mostly Let your kids know what’s important to you—saying please or no burping at the table—but try not to use time at the table to non-stop nag. You’re in a long game here, and manners take time to develop.

9. Find a sweet solution Decide what your dessert policy is—once a week or something small every night—and stick to it, regardless of how much they eat. You don’t want to sell the notion that dessert is the only thing worth eating dinner for.

10. Close the kitchen Let your kids know you aren’t their short-order cook. As in, “You don’t have to eat the rest of your dinner, but be sure you’re full, because the kitchen closes at 6:30.”

This article was originally published on Mar 21, 2018

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