While some parents may lean towards permissive, authoritarian, or authoritative approaches, a fourth style stands out as particularly detrimental—uninvolved parenting.
Every parent has a unique way of raising their child, and this individual approach ultimately influences the child's development and overall well-being. While some parents may lean towards permissive, authoritarian, or authoritative approaches, a fourth style stands out as particularly detrimental—uninvolved parenting. This hands-off approach not only leads to health problems but also negatively impacts a child's life skills, academic performance, and coping skills.
The good news is that uninvolved parenting is not a lost cause. We've sought insights from two seasoned experts to help you gain a deeper understanding of this parenting style. They shed light on why uninvolved parenting occurs, the potential risks involved, and the steps parents can take to break free from the cycle.
According to a 2017 American Psychological Association (APA) article, the uninvolved parenting style has several key characteristics. These include parents who are not responsive, available, or caring toward their children. While they may be able to provide for their children's basic needs, like food and shelter, these parents cannot give their children the physical or emotional support they need. This lack of engagement and nurturing can have serious long-term consequences for the child's overall well-being and development.
Alisha Simpson-Watt, LCSW, BCBA, LBA, founder of Collaborative ABA Services, says uninvolved parenting should not be confused or likened to free-range parenting. "Uninvolved parenting is characterized as being indifferent to the child. A free-range parent may have a hands-off approach but still have an interest in their child's welfare," she explains to Today's Parent.
iStockAccording to Darlene Taylor, co-parenting author, certified professional coach, and parenting educator, there are several warning signs of uninvolved parenting. These include parents with inattention to their child's emotional needs, lack of involvement in the child's activities, and unwillingness to address issues at school.
"Uninvolved parents might be indifferent about their child's behavior at school or home and have no discipline or recourse for monitoring behavioral improvements," Taylor tells Today's Parent. "Additionally, uninvolved parents choose not to address any needs of the children other than basic care and are emotionally distant from their children."
Neglectful parents, burdened by stress or mental health challenges, may struggle to care for themselves adequately. As a result, they may leave their children unsupervised for extended periods, exposing the children to a range of potential problems, both physical and mental.
iStockTaylor explains that various external influences can lead to uninvolved parenting. These include underlying mental health issues, stress, and generational cycles. "If a parent suffers from substance abuse issues or mental health concerns, they may not be able to emotionally, mentally, or physically connect and form healthy relationships with their children," she warns. "The same idea applies with stress — if a parent is struggling to care for themselves or meet their own basic needs, it begins to feel impossible to do more than the bare minimum for their children."
Adds Taylor, generational cycles can also influence uninvolved parenting. If a person was raised by neglectful or emotionally distant parents, they may unconsciously adopt similar uninvolved approaches when they have children of their own.
"People often mirror what they know, which is also true for how people parent," she explains. "If a person comes from a home where their parents were not involved and did not display a good model of healthy parenting, they will likely repeat this pattern. If you were also not shown or given love and parental affection, it is unlikely that you will know how to do that for your children."
iStockNeglectful parenting can have several impacts on childhood development. Taylor explains that some effects of uninvolved parenting include having trouble managing emotions, poor academic performance, anxiety, poor decision-making, low confidence, and poor social skills.
Children whose parents are not typically involved in their lives often show certain behaviors from a young age. A 2008 study published in the Global Academic Society Journal found that these children can be aggressive and have frequent angry outbursts as early as age three. The study also suggests that these children may become hostile and have trouble getting along with others once they reach the teenage years.
However, the effects of uninvolved parenting carry on later in life. "Children of neglectful parents often have difficulty forming attachments later in life, experience relationship and trust issues, and an inability to develop healthy coping mechanisms," adds Taylor.
iStockLuckily, there are ways to improve neglectful parenting. Taylor recommends several strategies to break the cycle of uninvolved parenting, such as therapy, books, parenting classes, and support groups.
However, she emphasizes that addressing past trauma is the most important first step. "This is frequently the underlying cause of disengaged parenting," she states. "By working through past trauma with professional help and self-help resources, a parent can improve their ability to parent and reconnect with their children."
It's also important for parents to build positive parent-child relationships through active involvement, consistent communication, and emotional support. "Raising healthy, well-adjusted children requires parents to not only care for a child's basic needs but also to nurture their emotional well-being through connection," adds Taylor. "Engaged, communicative parenting is essential for modeling and instilling healthy parenting practices."
iStockParenting techniques are profoundly influenced by the broader societal and cultural context we belong to, and these societal and cultural influences can occasionally cause parents to be less involved in their children's lives, as Taylor explains.
"We live in a society that encourages 'being busy' and celebrates success at all costs, which can lead to uninvolved parenting," she explains to Today's Parent. "Parents can succumb to the pressure of trying to be successful and overwork themselves, leaving little time or energy to parent with intentionality and care. Additionally, there is a negative view of addiction and mental health issues, which may prevent parents from seeking help."
Different ways of raising children can vary between cultures, and these differences can affect how parents choose to be involved in their children's lives, according to Simpson-Watt. "For example, in some cultures, a particular parent may be considered the primary caregiver," she tells Today's Parent. "The primary caregiver may be responsible for the well-being and upbringing of the children. In contrast, the other parent/caregiver may be considered the 'breadwinner' who may take the backseat to parenting, mostly taking an uninvolved approach."
Getty / skynesherThe impact of unresolved trauma can manifest in various ways through uninvolved parenting, and according to Taylor, those born into family histories of trauma and stress may find themselves repeating that cycle as parents. "Sometimes the way they were raised is often a sign of generational cycles of trauma and stress," she tells Today's Parent. "If parents do not get the help they need to recover from their past generations' traumas, it will carry on into their parenting dynamics and issues."
Trauma exposure can also adversely impact the dynamics between the child and parents and caregivers, according to Simpson-Watt. "Trauma can impact a person's ability to function and support the needs of others, which may consist of the parent appearing to be indifferent to their child. The parent may not be available physically or emotionally for their children because they are struggling with their traumas."
iStockTaylor says that uninvolved parenting does affect children's behavior in several ways. "Children of uninvolved parents have a higher risk of developing impaired social skills and unhealthy emotional dependency on others," she explains. "The risks of a lack of parental affection and connection also can create an impulsive personality that breeds an environment to develop aggressive behavior." The lack of physical touch and emotional attention can also cause changes child's brain development."
iStockUninvolved parents exhibit a low level of involvement in their children's lives, which sets them apart from other parenting styles such as authoritarian, permissive, or authoritative. Authoritative parenting, for instance, is considered the best by many because of its balance between setting rules and providing support and care. In contrast, uninvolved parents typically do not engage in guiding or managing their children's activities or development.
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