
The all-new all-Canadian Monster Truck!

Do you and your kids like MONSTER TRUCKS? Well, big news! Monster Jam's first all-Canadian monster truck was unveiled, and the name is...

By Haley Overland
The all-new all-Canadian Monster Truck!

Yesterday, my four-year-old son got his first taste of MONSTER TRUCK MADNESS. I have to admit, I knew nothing about the culture of MONSTER TRUCKS (it needs to be all-caps, doesn't it? OK, I'll stop)  ? that is, until I posted THIS on our Today's Parent Facebook page and saw all the enthusiasm firsthand, and learned that ear plugs are a must at these things...!

I didn't really know why my son and I were going to this mysterious event, or what we were going to see exactly, until we got to the Rogers Centre. We were there, we learned, to witness HISTORY! It was the grand unveiling of the first-ever all-Canadian Monster Truck, NORTHERN NIGHTMARE!

Apparently, there was a nation-wide contest to find a name for this GIANT beast, and Greg Duclos of Thornhill, Ontario, won with this, indeed, fabulous name.

After a major suspenseful countdown, the worldwide debut of this newest addition to the Monster Jam Maple Leaf Tour took place as famous driver Cam McQueen vroooomed Northern Nightmare into the empty stadium, took a few spins and then let the kids climb all over her.

Northern Nightmare is proudly all Canadian. As the announcer said, "even the nuts and bolts are Canadian." So this is kind of a humongous deal for Canadian Monster Truck fans..., like my son (now!).

So what do you think of Northern Nightmare? Pretty perfect name, huh? Pretty fabulous truck, huh? For more deets on the truck, the Monster Jam 2012 tour, dates, locations, etc., check out

Looks like I'll be at the January (21/22) show in Toronto! Vrooom!

This article was originally published on Dec 01, 2011

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