Style and Beauty

Quick and easy hair care

Save precious morning minutes with a few hard-working products.

By Janine Falcon
Quick and easy hair care

Quick and easy hair care

Effortless hair care

The first secret to effortlessly polished hair is the right cut. Celebrity stylist Mark Townsend, go-to hair guy for busy moms Christina Aguilera and Natalie Portman, likes the pixie cut for its chic style and practically zero fussing-time commitment. He also likes the layered bob for its versatility and wash ’n’ wear ease. “It can be worn longer than other bob styles, can give fine hair movement, and you can wear it sleek, wavy or choppy,” he says. Consult with your stylist to decide what style works best for you, then follow our top three time-saving hair maintenance strategies to keep your morning styling routine simple and efficient.

Quick and easy hair carePhoto by Jeff Johnson

Cut back on cleansing

“Most people don’t need to lather, rinse and repeat,” says Townsend. Unless you have oily hair or use a lot of styling products, save yourself a few precious minutes by only shampooing once and using a leave-in conditioner before you style. Two-in-one shampoo and conditioners are even more efficient since they allow you to combine two steps. To save even more time, reconsider how often you’re sudsing up. Most people don’t need to wash daily, he says. Cut back to washing just every second or third day. You may need to increase the days between washes gradually to give your scalp time to adjust and slowly produce less oil in response to fewer shampoos.

We like: Pantene Pro-V Flat to Volume Shampoo & Conditioner, 2-in-1, $7

Quick and easy hair carePhoto by Ivan Engler

Save yesterday's style

Can’t imagine leaving the house without washing your hair because your bed-head would scare the dead? Simply spritz a frizz-taming styling spray on dry hair to get even the worst mop back under control. Products designed to fight frizz are full of conditioners and shine-enhancing ingredients that’ll help to flatten flyaways and make dry styling easier. Try slicking yesterday’s blowout into a low ponytail or simple chignon.

We like: John Frieda Frizz-Ease 100% Shine Glossing Mist, $5

Quick and easy hair carePhoto by Ivan Engler

Wash without water

If your hair is definitely in need of a wash but you don’t have time for a shower, dry shampoo is a quickie solution. Spray the super-fine oil-absorbing powder onto your roots, leave for a minute or two, then massage into your hair and scalp (like you normally would when you’re washing), then brush through. If you have fine hair you may want to use dry shampoo more often. Townsend says he uses it on clean hair, too: “It’s a great way to add a little extra volume.”

We like: Dove Refresh + Care Invigorating Dry Shampoo

Quick and easy hair carePhoto by Ivan Engler

More makeup faves

Quick and easy hair care
This article was originally published on Apr 20, 2012

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