
Peter says: Jealousy among sisters

Peter has a story to share about sibling rivalry — and it's not about Addy and Peyton.

By Peter van de Geyn
Peter says: Jealousy among sisters

Photo: Krakozawr/iStockphoto

Sibling rivalry is a very funny thing and it rears its ugly head from time to time with everyone.

A funny thing happened recently that I have to share — and it's not even about one of my daughters being jealous of the other. (Trust me, that happens enough.) My mother — “Gigi" to my girls — recently had her sister come in from England for a visit, and they both went to the Caribbean together. We always Skype with my mom when she visits family in England, and she loves being able to see the kids. So we told her we'd Skype while she was on vacation.

Before my aunt's visit, Addy had only met her great aunt “Molie” (a name her grandchildren call her) once, and Peyton had never met her, but they've gotten to know Molie via cards, photos and Skype.

The funny thing I noticed was that no matter how old sisters get, it seems they don't grow out of sibling rivalry. When we Skyped with my mom when she and her sister were away, Addy and Peyton were more interested in talking to Molie than Gigi. "Where is Molie? We want to talk to Molie!" they'd say.

I could tell that this was bothering my mom but she tried not to let it show, and let Molie take over her computer screen. When they got home, my mom admitted that she got mad at her sister and didn’t like that the kids were asking for her over their Gigi.

My point? Looks like I have a lifetime of sisterly fights and sibling rivalry to look forward to.

This article was originally published on Mar 28, 2013

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