
Lisa says: Baby number three

Guess who's still on the fence about having another kid

By Lisa van de Geyn
Lisa says: Baby number three

Nope, I'm not pregnant.

Have you read the new debate column in Today's Parent's April issue? Peter and I faced off. The topic: Should we have more kids? Pretty sure I don't have to tell you who was for and who was against. 

The column got me thinking. Peter knows 100 percent (without a doubt, without hesitation) that he's 100 percent (without a doubt, without hesitation) done having kids. Me? I'm super wishy-washy. I know I've blogged about this before. (It's not news.) We've been busy around here, so I'd put thinking about having another tot on the back burner, but when this issue came out, I couldn't help but start mulling it over again. Let's face it. Peter's not getting any younger (ha!); he's staring down the big 4-0. If we're going to do this, it has to be sooner than later. I know he says he's done, but when I see him with the kids, I know he'd love having another little one around. I'm just not sure what's right for us.

So who's in the same situation? Are you debating about having another kid while your spouse is completely against it (or vice versa)? 

This article was originally published on Mar 16, 2012

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