
Lisa says: Addyson, JK class of 2013

By this time tomorrow, Addy will be signed up for JK.

By Lisa van de Geyn
Lisa says: Addyson, JK class of 2013

Is your child starting JK in September?

Junior kindergarten registration was, oh, three months ago. I blogged back then about not knowing whether or not I should sign Addy up — three years old seems so young to go to school for a full day. (Every other day, but still, a full day at a time.) Facebook friends, colleagues and other pals with kids the same age all signed their three-turning-four-year-olds up at the time, and I hesitated. Peter voted for school. I remained undecided. 

Tomorrow morning, after I drop the kids off at my parents' and before I start attacking my overwhelming and overflowing list of to-dos, I'm stopping at our nearby public school to register Addy to start JK in September.

I'm nervous and unsure if it's the right decision for us, but I decided that I don't want to hold Addy back. I'm discovering that part of parenting, apparently, is letting go of your own insecurities and not transferring your anxieties to your kids. (Hear that, Mom? Thanks for that ludicrous fear of birds you passed down to me. Really appreciate it 30 years later. But I digress.)

So Addy will be a little JK graduate in June 2013. I'm sure she'll do great in September, and I'll have chilled out shortly after. (That's my goal anyway.) 

Who else has a junior kindergarten graduate of 2013? What was the last big decision you had to make for your kids? (OK, so some of you might disagree that this was a big decision, but to each her own.)

This article was originally published on May 11, 2012

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