First off, sorry for the wee disappearing act (no, BvdG2 hasn't come early); I don't need to tell you moms how ridiculously busy it gets the week before a new babe arrives. Add SHOCKINGLY PAINFUL pelvic pain plus my never-ending to-do list together and you'll understand why I've been MIA.
The exciting news (besides the baby coming in a mere two and a half days) is Addy turned two today. My smarty pants, cutie pie, little bum is two. Pretty nuts. Because of the, well, condition I'm in, we didn't throw a huge shindig this year. Instead, we opted for a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme party (you gals with toddlers know what I'm talking about. "Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog!"), had family over for cake after lunch (my very talented best friend made Addy's amazing Mickey Mouse cake -- check out the pics) and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to relax while watching Addy on a sugar high.
I'm taking her to her two-year appointment with Dr. C tomorrow and can't wait for him to ask what she's up to these days. She's big into pretend play -- she loves standing behind us on our bed or couch to put soap and mousse in our hair ("Oh, Mommy. Your hair is messy. Addy fix."). And she's all about having company over for tea (she warns guests that the tea is hot and asks if they want a "yittle bit more" when it looks like they're finished). She knows part of the alphabet and lots of numbers, all her colours, strings words into sentences with ease, her full name (learning van de Geyn is no easy feat), her age and birthday. She has one heck of a memory (nothing gets by her), understands 100 percent of what we're talking about and each day she says at least one thing we don't expect her to know. (I asked her yesterday morning if we should go to the salon to get our hair done for her birthday and her response was, "That would be nice.") Huh? So cute.
Since my memory is now a thing of the past, I've added the questions I have to ask Dr. C to my many to-do's. I'm wondering how long she should be drinking homo milk for, if we should be putting toothpaste on her brush and if he has any advice for toilet training a toddler with a newborn at home. I'll pass along what I learn.
Anyway, here are some shots from today. I'll share her professional pics when I get 'em scanned.
Addy's shirt says, "I'm only here for the cake and the presents."
A tiny bit overwhelmed.
Addy loving her Mickey Mouse cake.
Our family pic. Keep in mind I'm having a baby in two days. :)
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