If you don’t already read “The Happiness Plan,” a blog over on Today’s Parent’s sister site, Chatelaine, you should. Sometimes things get too hairy and I miss reading their posts (let’s face it; sometimes things get too hairy and I miss writing my own posts), so I bought the new eBook that pulls together a slew of the editors’ favourite entries and this morning I read the first dozen or so on the subway.
Astrid, one of the blog’s writers and my pal (and, after reading a bunch of her posts, I think we might be soul sisters), inspired me today to blog about what makes me happy. If you’ve been reading our blog for the past four years, you’ll know I’m not a super sappy writer, so bear with me if I start sounding as if I’m getting verklempt. Before I start, I’m not mentioning the obvious — obviously my kids, Peter, family, etc., make me happy.
10 thing (other than the obvious) that make me happy:
(But, since I’m not pregnant and probably won’t be again, I’m happy to announce that I’m going to be an aunt! The third baby in our family will be arriving around New Year’s Eve and I’m so excited. Congratulations to my sister, Shayna, and brother-in-law, Peter!)
- Reality TV. Yes, I even PVR Big Brother After Dark.
- My photo albums. I spent a bit of time on the weekend updating my albums of the kids. From September 2008 (and the pictures me and Peter took of each other leaving the house to go to the hospital before Addy was born) to halfway through July 2011, there are already nine albums in my collection. And each album holds 300 pictures. So 2,700 of the pictures I snapped in less than three years are in albums. Peter (and I’m sure many others) thinks I’m insane — I have all these pics digitally. But I love looking at my baby album, and I wanted the kids to be able to look through theirs when they’re older too.
- Buying new glasses.
- Girls’ night out. #GNO
- My career choice. And not just my choice to go into journalism and become a magazine writer. In the summer of 2011 I made a huge decision. I was supposed to be returning to work full-time here at Today’s Parent in the fall, but decided that it was time for me to change things up. So I took a chance and went out on my own to become a freelancer. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make, but I’m glad I did. Sure, I don’t get vacation days anymore, or benefits of my own (thankfully I still have Peter’s). And if I’m sick or decide I need a “personal day,” I don’t get paid unless my work gets done. And, I’ll admit, I get lonely at home and spend a lot of time talking to myself. But I love what I do, and that I have more time to write and spend time on projects that I’m passionate about. And I still get to come into the TP office to help out during magazine production, which is awesome.
- Moms who aren’t judge-y. (I admit; I’ve been that mom before. But I’m trying not to be.)
- Seeing my grandmother light up when she sees my kids. Bubby Ann has been in the hospital for months waiting for a long-term care placement, and with her dementia (and old age — she’s 89), even if she doesn’t always know who the heck I am, she lights up when she sees my kids. (She always remembers Addyson’s name. Peyton she calls Peacock. Close enough.) Anyway, I’ve never seen her as happy as when my mom, Addy, Peacock and I go visit her.
- Peter Cetera and Chicago. And Bon Jovi.
- Editors who tell me I’ve done good. (Though not exactly like that — we editors don’t say things like, “You done good.” It’s not proper English.)
Your turn. What (other than the obvious) makes you happy?