
Lisa asks: Do you dress your kids alike?

She always wore the same outfits as her younger sisters...and hated it. Now Lisa likes dressing Addy and Peyton the same

By Todays Parent and Today's Parent
My little "twins"

My little "twins"

And, by alike, I mean exactly the same.

My mother used to dress me and my sisters in matching outfits. Like, a lot. The three of us walked around like little triplets. Being two and a half years older than my middle sister and four and a half years older than my youngest sister, dressing matchy-matchy with them wasn't really — um — cool. Yeah, I get that we all looked adorable in our NKOTB (sorry, dating myself — New Kids On The Block) T-shirts and skirts on the first day of school, but it wouldn't have been my first choice.

My how history repeats itself. I know Addy and Peyps are only three and one and don't really know the difference at this point, but I just love dressing them the same. Does Peyps need any clothes whatsoever? Heck no; she has everything Addy wore at her age. But when I find a cute outfit for Addy (like I did at Joe Fresh on the weekend; I'm a sucker for looking at clothes when I'm running into the grocery store to pick up ground turkey), I can't help but buy the exact same thing in Peyton's size.

At this point I'm wondering how long I'll be able to get away with them looking "same same," as Addy says.

Since I already know you parents dress (or dressed) your kids alike sometimes (don't deny it!), I want to know how long you did it for. Also, did you reserve the matchy-matchy outfits for special occasions (first day of school, birthdays, weddings, Santa photos, etc.) or did you consistently schlep your tots out and about looking like twins?

This article was originally published on Nov 21, 2011

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