
Kid gets iPod Touch for Christmas, freaks out

Amanda has heard mixed review of this viral hit

By Amanda Factor
Kid gets iPod Touch for Christmas, freaks out

This video has been making the rounds ever since the holidays officially ended last week. It features a kid unwrapping his Christmas gift, an iPod Touch, and proceeding to demonstrate his excitement by screaming his head off. Warning: Turn down your speaker volume before pressing play on this. Don't say we didn't warn you.

An informal survey of the comments I've read on YouTube and Facebook shows that the reaction to this is mixed. Some commenters feel the kid's screaming is obnoxious or that he's too young for an iPod. Others say he's just excited and that's what kids do. Still others claim he's no match for Nintendo 64 Kid.

What do you think of iPod Touch Kid?

This article was originally published on Jan 04, 2012

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