
Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safe

When on the lookout for a kid-friendly Halloween costume, safety is an important consideration. Here are 5 tips to keep your little goblin safe while trick-or-treating.

By Cassandre Cadieux
Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safe

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safe

Careful costumes

The countdown to Halloween is on, and while costume choices are top of mind for the wee ones, safety is an important consideration for parents. We asked Gina Anki, owner of Toronto's Theatrix Costume House, for her top costume selection tips.

This article was originally published as "Costume Clues" in the October 2012 issue of Today's Parent Toronto. 

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: jophil/iStockphoto


Although it's usually safer to apply make-up, sometimes a mask is necessary for the costume. Just make sure vision and breathing holes are completely clear, Anki suggests.

"Latex and plastic masks can be easily trimmed with a pair of scissors, and you can even move the lower mouth portion of the mask if you're concerned."

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: madisonwi/iStockphoto



Anki cautions parents to avoid scarves or anything that might get caught and pose a choking hazard.

However, if you are trying something, "the Internet can provide a wealth of information regarding proper knotting and tying."

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: kirin_photo/iStockphoto

Trip-free zone

With the mad dash from house to house, tripping is a definite possibility.

"While you should construct or purchase kids' costumes a bit bigger than necessary — to fit additional layers of clothing underneath in case it's cold — there shouldn't be any extra fabric dragging on the ground," Anki says. 

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: frenc/iStockphoto


While novelty footwear is sometimes paramount to an authentic look, the ability to walk properly should come first.

"If your little darling insists on unusual shoes," Anki cautions, "you may want to purchase or build a sort of spat that replicates the look instead, so they can still wear their sneakers underneath."

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: JonathanLesage/iStockphoto


Light it up

Being seen is especially important if your child is going to be out trick-or-treating after dark, so the more light the better.

"Use reflective tape, flashlights, strip lighting or anything else that will make your child visible to other kids and to oncoming traffic," says Anki. 

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safePhoto: RichVinatage/iStockphoto

More Halloween inspiration

Halloween costumes: Tips to keep your kids safe
This article was originally published on Oct 28, 2014

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