
Everyday Baby - September 2012

This month brings even more milestones for baby Wes, including an unexpected one... teething!

By Kerianne Brown
Everyday Baby - September 2012

Everyday Baby - September 2012

September 1, 2012

We all packed into the new van and headed back to visit our family for the long weekend. It is always chaotic trying to get ourselves and the puppies all ready but once we are there and see happy the kids are to see everyone it makes it all worth it! Wes is hanging out in Will's crib at Nanny and Grampy's here. I love that they are fully equipped with all the baby essentials so it means that we don't have to lug a thing with us.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 2, 2012

Who needs a soother when you can suck on your elephant's trunk? He was so content sitting in the high chair during dinner. He loved being up high and seeing what was going on!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 3, 2012

We got back home from our visit this afternoon and immediately went out into the yard to spend some time just relaxing while Daddy accomplished some yard work. I can't believe that Wes loves to try and walk while holding your hands. He is growing so fast! Funny enough, he doesn't have much interest in trying to roll over at this point but would rather stand up and run!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 4, 2012

You are growing into your nursery glider so well these days, Wes! I can definitely see how big you are getting when sitting next to the pillows. You are really starting to love books lately too, so I can only imagine how many bedtime stories will be read to you in that very chair.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 5, 2012

I love the age when babies get big enough and have adequate head control that you can put them on your hip to walk around. Wes is almost at that point. It should make it easier for me to hold him while taking a photo; however, the weight he has gained is making my arms so fatigued these days!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 6, 2012

I couldn't believe my eyes today! I had Wes on a blanket, taking some cute photos of him smiling at his little elephant toy when he suddenly rolled over for the very first time! I am still amazed that it happened without coaxing and even more amazed that I captured it with my camera! From the look on his face, I think he is one very proud baby boy! I know I was certainly full of joy for him!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 7, 2012

We found the Bumbo to be a huge help with Will when he was a baby. He loved sitting in it and it appears that his baby brother has the same sentiments. Wes thought it was so much fun to sit up like a big boy!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 8, 2012

The time is drawing near when Wes won't fit into his little baby bathtub any longer. I love being able to wash him on the kitchen table. The day I pack up his tub, I may shed a tear or two.  

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 9, 2012

To add to the excitement of all the milestones lately, Wes decided that he wanted to sit on his own today. Mind you, he is very wobbly; however, he sat so steady like this for probably close to a minute. And he was so proud of himself looking all around the room, marvelling at this new point of view.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 10, 2012

Wes got the sweetest music box when he was born. He absolutely adores watching the moon and stars spin around and listening to the peaceful lullaby. It is so special and definitely something I will always keep for him.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 11, 2012

Will crawled into Wes' chair again this morning and proudly asked if Wes could sit with him. He was such a great big brother, holding onto him tightly and making sure to tickle him a little, too, in order to get a laugh out of him.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 12, 2012

Another milestone for Wes: He grabbed his toes today! At this age, toes often become the best toys ever, especially when they can finally get them into their mouth!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 13, 2012

Even though it was a beautiful warm day today, I dressed Wes in Will's knit outfit for a few minutes because I fear that it won't fit Wes much longer. There are so many autumn clothes of Will's that I couldn't wait to put on baby Wes; however, because he is so long I am not sure he will even be able to wear them. I always thought that having Wes on May 11 would mean that he would wear so many of Will's clothes who was born on June 23. But when they are totally different body shapes it means that might not happen.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 14, 2012

It is true that everything our children do amazes us. I could sit and watch my two boys all day. I'm in awe when Will puts two words together or if I hand him something and he says "tank-ooo" without prompting. Today, I was enthralled with Wes in his exersaucer. He can spin that little spinny toy like no baby I've seen before!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 15, 2012

We had such a fun family day today. We visited a farm which absolutely made Will the happiest boy in the world and Wes got to hang out in the stroller all day. When there are bumps and constant motion, it makes for one happy baby Wes!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 16, 2012

Please excuse another big, wide-mouthed grin but I know that I am going to miss this gummy smile some day when he has teeth. With the amount he has been drooling lately and the vigour in which he chews on Sophie, I feel like it might be a very short window of opportunity for me.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 17, 2012

Today I took Wes to our doctor's office for his immunizations. He got weighed and measured by the nurse and we found out that he is over the 97th percentile for length among babies his age! I knew he was a tall boy!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 18, 2012

Here is Wes waking up first thing this morning. He brightens my day every time I look down and see his little face peeking up at me!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 19, 2012

Poor little Wes actually developed a fever yesterday afternoon and still had it today. I spent a lot of time cuddling him and just trying to make him comfortable and happy. He doesn't hold back those smiles for long. I am always amazed at how content babies can be even when they are not feeling well.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 20, 2012

Wes is feeling 100 percent better today. I always let out a sigh of relief when my little ones are finally over an illness. We had lots of fun playing farm in his room today with Will. We were trying to teach Wes all of the different animals on a farm and what sounds they make. Will had loads of fun being the teacher.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 21, 2012

Today was an exciting day for us! It was the first day we went away for the weekend and stayed in a hotel as a family of four! I really wasn't sure how the boys would sleep since we were in one room and they were both in playpens, which they aren't used to but, surprisingly, they both did really well. I was so proud and so excited to have a little getaway weekend with my family!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 22, 2012

We went back to the hotel room in the afternoon to see if Will would go down for a nap but there was no way he was going to shut those little eyes of his. Instead, we just relaxed for a bit and had family come and visit us for a while. I caught this image of my boys today and realized just what was in store for me in the future. Wes is watching Will intently. I can see him learning so much from his big brother… good things and bad! It will make for a really fun future together!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 23, 2012

I think we can say for sure that little Wes is going to have blue eyes like his brother. We weren't entirely sure at first and they looked to be darker in the beginning, but I think those baby blues are here to stay.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 24, 2012

I captured a photo of Will with this scarf as a baby and it was one of my favourites so I thought I should do the same for Wes. He thought it was so funny being Mama's model today. The baby definitely had the giggles. Still makes me smile when I think of the squeals he was making.

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 25, 2012

I was changing Wes today and had him wrapped up in his little elephant blankie. I thought he looked so cozy and sweet. I am not sure if you can see his swollen bottom gums in the photo but two teeth had popped through at this point in the day and I didn't even know it yet! It wasn't until later that night, when Wes chewed on my fingers, that I felt them. I can't believe that my little baby has teeth at four months old. Will was seven months when he got his first so I wasn't even thinking that Wes was truly teething. I thought the process would surely go on for another few months.  

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 26, 2012

Here is the first official photo I took after realizing that my baby did, indeed, have not one but two teeth! We thought it would be funny to pose with Will's toothbrush and toothpaste! I can only hope that he loves brushing his teeth as much as Will does.  

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 27, 2012

Wes is at that age where you put him down and he is inspecting everything so, of course, he didn't want to pay much attention to my camera. I can't really blame him either. Those little plants look far too interesting!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 28, 2012

Wes definitely inherited his double chin from his Mama! However, unlike me, he makes it look so irresistibly cute!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 29, 2012

We took the boys to the Museum of Natural History today. It was loads of fun and I thought for sure that Will would absolutely love seeing the animals, especially the bear and the moose; I was wrong! He sped through this section (I think from fear) like there was no tomorrow so only Wes got his photo with the big moose!

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

September 30, 2012

I caught of glimpse of Daddy and Wes when they weren't looking. Daddy was singing a silly song and Wes thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. Those are my "awwww" moments.  

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

More Everyday Baby

Everyday Baby - September 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown
This article was originally published on Oct 31, 2012

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