Wes experiences spring for the first time and gets his very first boo-boo, too.
Photo: Kerianne Brown
Wes had a wonderful time crawling through Will's tunnel today. He giggled the whole way through each time!
It works out perfectly for these two brothers because Will adores Woody (or Buddy as he likes to call him), and Wes is a big fan of Buzz.
I have been wanting to capture this photo of Wes for some time now. It is how we find him when he is getting tired and is ready for a nap or for bed. His fingers are in his mouth, and he twirls his fingers in his hair. It is one of the most endearing things about Baby Wes.
There was one lone Easter egg that wasn't found on Sunday. I wondered how long it would take before it was discovered. Baby Wes was just as interested in finding out what was inside the egg as Will was. These two are so cute and becoming such great friends!
He always has to hold the leash for a second before I take the pups outside. Then he insists on watching us intently through the window until we come back inside. He loves his doggies so much!
It is so sweet to see how excited the kids get when we have our friends come over for dinner. They love playing together, and it is wonderful for the parents to have some socializing time, too!
I found someone snooping through my purse. It seems too early for this to be happening already.
When we go to the grocery store, we buy our oranges by the box. It looks like this is one trait that Baby Wes inherited from his older brother!
Wes watches Will's every move. He adores his big brother so much.
There is nothing quite like sitting in a warm pile of laundry. He loves when I let him do this every time I take a load out of the dryer!
An activity that is sure to keep the kids busy for hours outside is to bring out an old box of toys that they haven't seen in a long time.
He thought he hit the jackpot when he got his hands on my keys today. Let's just say there were some tears shed when I took them away.
They were playing today, and Wes kept putting his hand on Will's and would then look up at him. He loves his big brother so much and that fills my heart.
We set up a beanbag today for Will so he could cuddle comfortably while watching a new movie. Baby Wes wanted some of his own time on the beanbag, too!
While Will was at daycare today, Baby Wes and I decided to surprise him and have all of his Cars Lego sets completed when he came home. He was awfully excited to see all of his cars lined up, ready to play with, when he arrived home!
They were intrigued by something on TV — most likely Super Why, it is Will's favourite these days. He loves his letters and alphabet so much!
Another thing to add to Baby Wes's list of non-toy items he loves to play with is my iPhone. I typically have to hide it on him, because if he gets his hands on it, there is a flood of tears when I take it away! It's so interesting because Will isn't all that interested in the iPhone or iPad.
It was a beautiful day, so I lugged all of the boys' toys and play table out to the deck and we played in the sun today. We are all so anxious for the warmer weather!
Poor little guy had his first boo-boo today and there was even a little blood. You can see the cut on the bridge of his nose. Luckily, he was still all smiles!
Sometimes there is something important I have to get done and it means that Baby Wes has to stay in the playpen for a few minutes. Those eyes he gives me always make me feel so guilty, though!
Spring has finally sprung, and we've been trying to take advantage of all the nice weather. Wes loves sliding! He could do this over and over again all afternoon.
Baby Wes is doing so well at his transition to a bottle. I love his milk moustache here!
I think I was gone for about 30 seconds, taking the dogs out for a quick moment, and I came back to this scene! I said, "Oh no, Baby Wes, what is this!?" And Will pipes up, "A big mess, Mommy!" I laughed so much after seeing this!
This is one of our favourite books to read the boys, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?. How appropriate!
All was quiet in the house. I had just put Baby Wes down for his morning nap when suddenly I could hear Will's giggles echoing throughout the house. It took me a minute to realize I could hear him on the baby monitor. He had opened the door to Wes's room and was in there putting on a show for him! Baby Wes was so excited to see his big brother that he decided he didn't want to bother with a nap anymore.
We got a special treat today when we read Today's Parent's newest magazine and saw a little feature of the Everyday Baby blog in it! Such a special thing to see! It's hard to believe it has almost been a year since I started documenting Wes's every day for Today's Parent. It's been one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had, and I certainly don't want to see it come to an end.
Grammie came to visit today and gave Wes his first birthday gift! I'm not sure who was more excited, Wes or Will.
He was begging Daddy for a taste of his pudding. It looks like he is going to have Daddy's sweet tooth!
He has one of the biggest smiles I think I've ever seen on a baby. He is a quick smiler, though. As soon as you see that big mouth full of teeth, he will give you a poker face milliseconds later.
Look who I caught in the cupboard today! Notice he only pulled out his own food and proceeded to give himself a morning snack.
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