
This Coke ad about starting a family will make you smile

A new Coke ad paints a realistic picture of starting a family and parenting that will make you smile (and maybe tear up a bit).

This Coke ad about starting a family will make you smile

A new Coke ad, created by Coke Argentina, paints a realistic picture of starting a family and parenting that will make you smile (and maybe tear up a bit, depending on where you're at hormonally right about now). [Source:]

I'm not a big Coke drinker. I spend my days here at Today's Parent reading massive amounts of studies and research on families and health, so I'm pretty anti-cola for the most part. (Except when I'm having pizza, because soda and pizza are a childhood throwback that make me reminiscent about birthday parties as a 12-year-old long before I cared about healthy eating. But I digress.) There are two things about the commercial that strike me as interesting.

1. If you make a really good ad that speaks to people in a real way, they will share it. Even if it doesn't lead to people buying your products, it does lend to a certain goodwill about the brand. Coke has always been a brand that is good at capitalizing on our shared emotions. (Remember "I'd like to teach the world to sing..." '80s children?) I love that the ad has only words and images, because it transcends language and goes straight for the heart. Well played, Coke. Well played.

2. How crazy-awesome is parenting? I watched this and instantly recalled being up to our eyeballs in diapers and bottles and still doing the happy dance when we had the good fortune of our stick turning blue for a second time. That feeling of a new baby totally turning your life inside out, of being snowed under by sleep deprivation and constant needing, and yet somehow you want to do it again! There are many, "What were we thinking?" moments when that second (or third, or fourth) new baby arrives, but also lots of "This is amazing!" looks shared. And that's parenting in a nutshell: a perfectly imperfect situation.

What do you remember fondly about those early years as new parents?

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This article was originally published on Dec 23, 2013

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Nadine Silverthorne lives in Toronto with her husband, two hilarious kids and one self-entitled cat. When not sharing details of her life from her iPhone or laptop, you can find her doing something with food: reading about it, stuffing her face or devising creative solutions to get her kids to stop calling her healthy cooking “yucky.”

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