
Christmas is in December, not November

Emily waits until December 1 to ring in the holiday season. Here's why

By Emily Sadler
Christmas is in December, not November


Let me start by making one thing very clear: I love Christmas. Love it. Everything from the warm glow of Christmas lights in the snow to the special cinnamon- and gingerbread-infused holiday drinks offered at just about every coffee shop.

But here's the thing about Christmas: it's in December! Not November. November is reserved for cheap Halloween candy, the onset of cold weather, Remembrance Day, hockey Saturdays and Football Sundays (and, unfortunately for us women, Movember).

I understand why, from a marketing perspective, companies feel the need to pump out all the sentimental snowflake displays -- I worked in retail for many holiday seasons; I get it. Get people in the holiday state of mind, and they'll start shopping.

But cranking up the carols and putting up your decorations in November? That's too early. Part of the whole Christmas experience is warming up after a hand-numbing two hours of putting up the Christmas lights with Dad, right? Apparently, freezing-cold fingers and ladder-climbing really gets me in the Christmas spirit.

When it comes to my own home, there will be no trace of Christmas until December 1. That day in my home has always been practically as exciting as Christmas! We'd wake up to my mom blasting "It's the moooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the yeeeear!!!" and run downstairs to be reunited with all of our Christmas books, games and toys set up in the living room. (I tried hanging on to my Tweety-bird-dressed-as-an-elf stuffed toy year-round, but that didn't happen.) Even after I moved out, December 1 brings a morning phone call from my mother as she holds up her phone to that wonderful Christmas song, welcoming a new holiday season. After I hear that song, it's officially Christmastime!

Here at the office, it's pretty difficult to avoid Christmas prep. We've been busily working away at putting together all kinds of great holiday-inspired articles, from gift guides to sharing our own holiday traditions! Plus, check out the current issue of the magazine for our annual guide to the top toys for the holiday season. (That's the only Christmas-y thing I'll be promoting in November!)

Regardless of how many holiday things are thrown my way, I'm going to wait until December to fully embrace it -- 'cause that's what makes the holidays so special to me. Now, hurry up, December! I could really use a gingerbread latte!

When do you start your holiday preparation?

Photo courtesy of stephenvance on Flickr.

This article was originally published on Nov 04, 2011

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