Incredible and heartwarming photos of Miles, aka Batkid, and his special Make-a-Wish day.
News of "Batkid" is spreading across the Interwebs today as a mini caped crusader battling cancer takes over San Francisco. Five-year-old Miles dreamed of being Batman for a day so the wonderful folks at the Make-a-Wish Foundation have made that a reality for the young boy with leukemia.
As Mashable reports, both The Penguin and The Riddler are up to their old tricks, and Miles is racing around the city to save the day, with nearly 15,000 locals playing "the citizens of Gotham" after signing up online via Make-a-Wish. Even President Barack Obama is keeping tabs on the fearless Batkid.
Miles' adventure began by meeting Batman and checking out the slick Lamborghini Batcar that's whisking him around the city for his crime-fighting spree. So far, he's saved a woman tied to railway tracks, helped police nab The Riddler and, as you'd expect, caused an outpouring of emotion everywhere he's been.
You can follow Batkid's adventures here.
Check out more special moments with Miles below, courtesy of @SFWish.
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Jenny Charlesworth is a senior editor for Today's Parent. She's also a doting aunt to three really awesome kids. Follow her on Twitter @thecharlesworth