Family health

Always ill

Daycare germs can be a shock to your baby's system. But don't worry; it's just a phase

By Diane Sacks
Always ill

Q: My 11-month-old started daycare last month and it seems like she’s sick all the time. What’s going on?

There is bad news and good news in the answer to your question. The bad news is that the rule of thumb for children is 10 (yes 10) viruses a year for the first few years of exposure. Given that each cold and gastro upset lasts three to seven days, I understand “she’s sick all the time.” The good news is that all this exposure to mild viruses will help prevent her from getting sick once she enters grade school. So get out the saline nose drops and the Pedialyte and look to the future — this too will pass.

This article was originally published on Mar 08, 2010

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