Special needs

New year's resolutions

Amy's daughter Talia explains one of her goals for the new year

By Amy Baskin
New year's resolutions
Made it—week #2 of the holidays! And, despite plenty of fun family outings, my girl can’t wait to go back to school. For many kids with special needs two weeks of unstructured time can seem long and lonely. Not only is Talia missing school, but also her favourite activities such as Friday Friends and the Y youth group.
But on Wednesday afternoon, Tal's going to a program for kids with special needs. And she can't wait. First they'll go out for lunch at a Chinese buffet restaurant. Then, they'll visit a local swimming pool. While Tal is super excited--she's having some reservations about the upcoming buffet experience.
“I have a new year’s resolution,” she tells me.
“Great. What’s your resolution?” I ask.
“Not to eat curry noodles,” she says.
“You mean when you go to the Chinese buffet?” I ask.
“Tal, do you know a New Year’s resolution is?”
“Yes. It’s a little goal,” she says. “My goal is not to eat spicy food.”
“Because spicy food makes you feel bad?” I ask.
Sounds like a great resolution to me--to avoid things that make you feel bad. Hmm....what could I avoid in the new year that makes me feel bad? Long, boring meetings. Worrying about the future. Staying up way too late to watch Jon Stewart. Too much chocolate ...
So—two questions for you:
1. Are your kids anxious to go back to school?
2. Have you or your kids made a new year’s resolution?

Happy new year, gang!
This article was originally published on Jan 03, 2012

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