Little Kids

July 2013 birthday wishes

We’ll help you celebrate your child’s special day. Email your personal message to We’ll print as many as we can and the rest will be posted here on

By Today's Parent
Flying superheroes

Happy 2nd Birthday to our sweet Sammy! You brighten every day and make us so proud. We love you very much. Mommy, Daddy and all your family and friends!

Happy first birthday, Miguel! You are our pride and joy. A promise come true. Love, Mommy and Daddy xo – Abby Ketutdjati

Happy first birthday to our little boo boo Madison! Waking to your smiling face everyday is such a blessing. Our hearts are overflowing with love for you. Love always, Mommy and Daddy. – Monique and Mike Torraville

Happy first birthday, Diamond Doll! You have brought so much love to our lives, Daisy. You are truly a dream. With all our hearts, Mommy, Daddy and Kiwi.

Happy second birthday to our sweet Benjamin! You amaze Mommy and Daddy every day, and thanks for being such a great big brother to your new little sissy! Love you so much little man, Mommy, Daddy, Delainey and Albus.


Happy first birthday to our silly and sweet Olivia Joey! We loved watching you grow and develop your amazing personality over the last year, and we can't wait to see what the next year has in store! Love always, Mama and Dada. – Lauren and Michael Stolberg

Happy fourth birthday, my angel, Michael!  You have made mommy's life better than I could have ever imagined!  I love you forever and ever and always! Leah Kasper

Beanie, it is your birthday this month! The days go by too quickly it seems, it feels like just two week ago I held you in my arms for the first time, a week ago you started to walk and yesterday you started school. In a few days, you will be 8. How did that happen so fast? Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! We all love you so much! Happy eighth birthday, Beanie! Mommy, Daddy and Day

This article was originally published on Jul 08, 2013

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